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                       © 2013 by tore56789 (GOS) All rights reserved.


I dedicate this story to Albert Einstein, whose genus realized too late of the power of destruction he had passed onto mankind.  I believe till his dying day he regretted this.  Like a smarter ape perhaps back in the Stone Age, passing on the secret of making fire to the less smart.  And perhaps too regretting his decision afterwards in doing that, as he watched the devastation they used it for? Perhaps setting fire to one another?  Burning down one another’s homes?  Certainly as a means of inflicting pain.  (As to suffer and produce suffering is native to the human species)

Like fire, atomic weapons were not invented, they were part of nature.  It only took the right minds to unravel the mystery how to put them together.  No different, than that early hominid striking that piece of Pyrex to flint to make a spark.  My story here is about something similar happening in our future; and it all coming down to one man to safe mankind.  As we must all hope, however much destruction our Kind reaps from greed, or just from simply choosing not to care one way or the other.  That someone, somewhere, can set things right for us again, in the end.   

But let’s be honest, the likelihood is there will be no such superheroes, or even my character here in this story, to fix the mess when it eventually arises.  When the less smart apes say, “Oh, fuck,” before running for shelter, aware they should have listened to the smarter ones.               

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