🌹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧🌹

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A week of controlling the blood thirst and everything else has come to a pause as today is Rose's funeral. She got dressed in black and the girls taught her how to style herself and how to do her hair and makeup. Rose patted her leather jacket down and smirked at herself in the mirror again as she wanted her outfit to be perfect for her own funeral.

 Rose patted her leather jacket down and smirked at herself in the mirror again as she wanted her outfit to be perfect for her own funeral

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Once Rose was done, she sighed and gripped Nathan's hand as Rose apparated them all to the graveyard where her funeral is being held. When they got there, Rose watched in sadness as everyone from Hogwarts were there, even all the teachers.

A tear slid down her cheek as she realised that back in third year when Trelawney predicted a death, she sarcastically asked her friends for a bunch of stuff for a funeral.

Rose then smiled as she looked around, her casket was black. She then looked at the food table and saw all the food there. Nathaniel squeezed Rose's hand as they all watched as her casket was being lowered into the ground whilst Back in Black by AC/DC was being played.

Katherine brightened up the situation a little as she mumbled to Rose.

"Good song choice, 10/10."

Rose smiled and let out a little laugh, she turned her head back to the front and looked as everyone was crying. Everyone being Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Bem, Luna, Pansy, Fred, George, Hagrid, Remus and even Sirius was in his dog form as his innocence hasn't been proven yet.

The group watched as everyone said their goodbyes to a buried Rose before leaving. Rose sadly smiled as Fang whined and refused to move off the floor next to the grave, making Hagrid to try and pull him. However, failing miserably. She watched as Hermione sobbed and clung onto Ron. She watched as Bem hugged Neville who was also sobbing. She watched as Remus tried to calm down a whining Padfoot.

Tears slipped down her face as she watched as her friends and family mourned her death.

She waited for everyone to leave before letting go of Nathan's hand and walking over to the grave and gravestone. She squatted down, wincing when her heels dug into the grass. She then placed a hand on top of the gravestone and read it.

In Loving Memory of

Rose Black

A loving daughter, niece, best friend and classmate

1980 - 1994

She smiled sadly and patted the gravestone and mumbled out.

"Out with the old, in with the new, Rose."

She then stood up, yanked her heels out of the grass and sighed before walking back towards the group and gripping Nathan's hand, apparating everyone back home.


After months of everyone helping Rose, Rose smiled as she had everything under control. The only thing she needed to do now is spend time with her new family before going back to Hogwarts in 2 months.

The girls took Rose to Muggle shops and spoiled her rotten with a shit ton of new clothes and makeup, even if they compelled a couple of people to be their handmaiden's. Other than that, they went all out by going to a bunch of fast-food places, restaurants, clubs, cafe's, etc.

And they may or may not have arrived back home completely drunk, hyper and giggly. Nathan blushed as Rose plonked herself on his lap and joined in with the girls singing loudly.

The boys watched in amusement as Nathan had to wrap his arms around Rose's waist to stop her from tumbling to ground. Rose giggled and bit her lip, she then purposely fell off his lap and got up. Rebekah switched the music on and the girls began to dance with each other, drinking even more alcohol.

It got late and the boys began to lead the girls to bed for the night. Nathan had to drag Rose as she was too adamant in laying on the floor complaining about her life. Once he got to the bedroom, he picked her up and threw her on the bed, he got some pj's for her and threw them at her face. He then turned around as Rose lazily got changed.

When Rose was done, she cleared her throat so he turned around, he saw that she still had her makeup on and wanted to wipe it off.

Nathan got some makeup wipes and brushed Rose's hair out of her face before using the wipes to wipe off the makeup, Rose smiled as he did it so delicately. As Nathan had wiped off all the makeup, the two didn't realize that they were slowly inching towards each other. They were so close to kissing until a throat was cleared, the two backed away and looked at the person.

Klaus smirked and muttered in amusement.

"I'm sorry if I've interrupted something, but I need to talk to Rose."

Nathan nodded and glanced at Rose before leaving the room, Rose smiled awkwardly as Klaus walked closer. He sat on the edge of the bed and announced seriously.

"Now that you are a Vampire along as being a Witch, you are incredibly powerful. So powerful that if a word gets out about you, people will do everything to take it away from you. You see, you're the first Vampire-Witch hybrid that is not a Siphoner or Heretic, since you do different magic. And because of that, you're very valuable and special. When you awoke for transitioning, your eyes were fully blood red. But they've gone back to the mix of your normal red and green. The only time your eyes will go fully red, is when you're going to feed on someone and if you compel someone. You're very lucky, Rose. And you need to be protected, which is why the other witches have made an alteration to your necklace. Two taps of the said necklace and we will be straight to you, whether it be a matter of life or death."

Klaus had a very brotherly tone and realized he was being too nice for a Mikaelson, so he blinked and cleared his throat, sat straighter and muttered out as he began to leave the room.

"It's late, get some sleep."

Rose smiled and mumbled a "good night" to him before getting under the covers and falling asleep, even though Vampires don't need to actually sleep.

𝐀 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 🌹 Various Characters x OC - PolyWhere stories live. Discover now