🌹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞🌹

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🌹 Time Skip to the 3rd Task 🌹

The third and final task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament has arrived and and Rose was excited. After the visit from Klaus and what he told her, she was happy to be seeing them all again.

Hermione was the one to wake her up, and when Rose did, she got a shower before doing anything else. Once she was dried, she changed into some clothing and did her hair and makeup.

After that, she linked arms with Hermione and met the boys in the Great Hall for breakfast

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After that, she linked arms with Hermione and met the boys in the Great Hall for breakfast. Rose got a few good lucks on her way to her table as she sat down next to Nathan. He pecked her lips before mumbling a "good morning, love". Rose responded back with the same and the two ate breakfast even though they didn't need to eat.

During breakfast, the Great Hall doors opened and everyone turned to have a look. Rose and Nathan did too and they smiled as they spotted the Mikaelsons and the others. Rose immediately got up and ran to the squealing girls who crushed her into a group hug. They all said their hellos and Rose smiled at the men.

People were whispering about the large group, but Rose didn't care. She then introduced her friends to her second family and her and Nathan took them all on a tour of the castle.

By the time the tour had ended, it was time for the third task. But before Rose could go out with the other champions, she was ambushed in a hug by her dad. Rose immediately hugged back as she recognised his scent and muttered to him.

"Hi, dad."

Sirius smiled and muttered back.

"Hello, Rosebud. I've missed you."

They got out of the hug and Rose repeated back. Sirius looked at his daughter and couldn't help but see his deceased wife in her. He complimented his daughter.

"You look so grown up, your mum would be so proud."

Rose smiled and got tears in her eyes, she then laughed and looked up before stating.

"Come on, dad. My makeup was expensive."

Sirius chuckled and shook his head, he was about to speak again when Dumbledore told Rose that it was time. Rose sighed but kissed her father's cheek and he wished her good luck. He went to the stands where everyone was and ignored the shocked looks he was getting.

And for Rose, she walked out with the other champions, music playing around her from the band. Cheers were heard as they all stepped out and walked to the middle.

Dumbledore stood at his stand and got everyone's attention.


His voice echoed and the band stopped the music, he audience sat down and he spoke.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position."

Rose didn't feel good about that, but she ignored it as Dumbledore went on.

"Now, as Miss Black.."

Loud cheers erupted and Rose chuckled from the massive banner that her friends were holding. Dumbledore continued.

"- is in first place, she will go into the maze first. She will then be followed by Mr Diggory and Mr Potter-"

More cheers were heard and Dumbledore carried on.

"And after they go in, they will then be followed by Mr Krum and Miss Delacour, who are in third and forth place."

As Dumbledore was speaking, the champions got in their places.

"The first person to touch the cup will be the winner! I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task.. he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants! Gather around. Quickly!"

The champions crowded around Dumbledore as he quietly uttered to them.

"In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead, you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can. But be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way."

Rose glanced at the other champions and they looked worried, they each said good luck to each other before going back to their positions as Dumbledore ordered.

"Champions, prepare yourselves!"

Rose stood at her entrance and looked up to her friends and family, they were cheering for her so she just smiled and waved. Dumbledore announced.

"On the count of three. One-"

The cannon went off immediately again and Filch just shrugged. Dumbledore sighed and gestured for the three tied champions to go in.

Rose turned on her heels and took a deep breath before walking into the entrance of the maze, she looked back just to see it close up, making her sigh. She muttered "lumos" and a light shot out of her hand and levitated in the air. It followed her as she walked throughout the maze.

Just as she was getting used to nothing happening, an acromantula launched itself at her, and with her quick reflexes, she instantly shot a spell at it, knocking it out cold.

As she got deeper into the maze, Rose shivered and swore at herself for not bringing a jacket or something. But she easily conjured one and sighed in relief as her arms were now warm. She started to walk faster, with her guard held up high just in case something happened and she glad she did because when she heard a high pitched scream, she vamp sped towards it to see Fleur get sucked under the bushes.

Rose immediately raised her hand and shot red sparks up in the air, catching the attention of Snape who was there within a second. They both helped Fleur out and Snape took her out of maze due to her being cold and battered up a little.

He told Rose to continue and she did, worrying about Fleur in the back of her head.

Rose lost count at how many lefts or rights she made and how many dead ends she reached, but she easily got rid of the creatures that tried to distract her. Well, all but one.

As she turned a corner, a Blast-Ended Skrewt came at her so suddenly. Its end exploded and it knocked Rose to the ground, she screamed as it stung her. But the pain subsided almost immediately due to her being a vampire and healing quickly.

She killed the Blast-Ended Skrewt and went on, weaving through the maze. Rose began running as the walls of the maze began closing in on her, causing her to run and bump into Harry and Cedric, she apologized and they stopped and looked to see the glowing cup. The boys then began pushing each other and Rose decided not to use her vamp speed to get to it because it would be unfair.

But as they got closer to it, Cedric tripped and the vines and weeds began pulling at his ankle. Rose and Harry stopped and unlike Rose, Harry thought about whether or not to help Cedric. But as he saw Rose helping, he joined in. The two got Cedric un-stuck and he thanked them.

Harry was about to speak when they were hit with heavy winds behind them. Harry yelled out a "Go!" and the three of them legged it to the Cup. When they got there, they halted and Cedric told Rose and Harry to take it, but before Rose could tell them that she didn't like the idea, Harry grabbed their hands and all 3 of them touched the cup. Rose yelled as they suddenly got sucked away.


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