🌹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭🌹

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The first D.A. lesson starts today and everyone was prepared, they all had a few lessons until there was a free lesson that everyone shared. In which everybody met in the Room of Requirement, some getting deja vu.

Once everyone was in the room, they looked to Rose and Nathan, who was stood at the front, looking perfect like they always do. Rose started her speech once everyone had silenced.

"Welcome to your first D.A. lesson. Today, we will be teaching you some spells. However, some of these spells will actually cause harm to your attacker. Others will distract them and buy you time to get away. Now, Bem. Want to be my partner for these demonstrations?"

Bem eagerly nodded and walked towards Rose and stood next to her, Nathan joined the group so they had space. Rose began the first one.

"This first one can come in handy, it's called Confundus and used to confuse your opponent. Confundus."

The spell hit Bem and in a second, he looked extremely confused.

"Erm, where am I?"

A few people chuckled and Rose said the countercurse causing Bem to be no longer confused. Rose continued.

"This next one is called Petrificus Totalus, you know that one quite well. Don't you, Neville?"

Neville smiled and chuckled, getting flashbacks back in 1st Year where Hermione used that spell on him. Rose went on.

"This spell body-binds someone, making them vulnerable because they can't do anything. Petrificus Totalus."

The spell hit Bem and everyone watched as Rose quickly conjured a mattress and placed it under Bem, just in time for his legs and arms to snap to his side, his body to freeze and him to fall backwards. Students clapped as Rose did the counter curse and helped Bem up. Now she was onto the next one.

"Now, I don't need Bem for this as I don't want him to get hurt. But this one is called Confringo, also known as the Blasting Curse. It causes the target to explode, and to make it even more dangerous than it already is, it produces flames that ignite upon contact with the said target. However, if Confringo fails to kill the target immediately, it will instead die a slow and painful death. So, say hi to Dolores Umbridge."

Rose uses her magic to make a statue of Umbridge (like the Filch one), and many people laughed. Rose continued.

"I will be using this spell on Umbridge because I'm pretty sure everyone wanted to do something to get rid of her when she was here. Everyone step back, and Confringo!"

The spell flew towards the statue and the students watched in awe as the said statue instantly blew up with a blast of fire around it. Many people shielded their eyes from the heat of the fire, but were amazed when the statue was no longer there and it had been blew to smithereens. They clapped again and Rose used Scourgify to clean up all the mess. Rose carried on.

"Now, for this one, the name of it is quite ridiculous. It's called Locomotor Wibbly."

A few chuckled at the ridiculous name and Rose continued.

"If you didn't get the name, it turns your attackers legs to jelly, making them slow down and buy you enough time to get away or plan your next move. Sorry, Bem, but Locomotor Wibbly."

In an instance, Bem's legs became jelly, just like the spells use and he struggled to move. Students laughed and thankfully for Bem, Rose stopped the spell. He blew out a breath and expressed.

"I'm definitely using that one on a Death Eater."

Chuckles were heard and Rose checked the time on her watch, she then announced.

"We have time for one more spell, and then you can try some of the harmless spells on each other and the more extreme ones on the Umbridge statues. So, the last one tonight will go off with a bang.. quite literally. This one's called Depulso. Depulso is the counter charm to Accio, and instead of summoning an object, it will banish the person or object by making them fly backwards at a considerable amount of speed and will possibly knock them out, depending on what they hit when they fly back. Don't worry, Bem. We'll be using a hologram of Voldyshit for this."

Rose made the hologram appear and many people winced at how real it looked. Rose stood in front of it and ordered everyone to watch, they did and she said the spell.


The spell hit the hologram and sent it flying off its feet, everyone watched as the hologram kept flying backwards until it hit the wall and made a loud bang noise, it then fell down to the floor, knocked out cold. Everyone cheered and Rose smiled, she added.

"Right, now go off into pairs and practise these spells. If anyone needs help, give me a shout and I will help you. Do not try the extreme ones on each other, I will not carry you to the Hospital Wing if you break your leg or neck. Chop chop."

The students rushed into pairs and Nathan and Rose went around the room, checking up on people and making sure they were doing the spells properly and safely.

Once everyone was done, Rose told them about the next lessons. They then carefully left the RoR and went to their Common Rooms.

Rose, Nathan, Bem, Lavender, Parvati, Padma and Neville went to the Gryffindor Common Room and relaxed, talking amongst each other.

𝐀 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 🌹 Various Characters x OC - PolyWhere stories live. Discover now