🌹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐰𝐨🌹

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The 3 of them yelled as they were flying through the air, Rose swore as she knew it was a trap, but she groaned when she hit the ground.

Rose got up and dusted her clothes off before looking around at the eerie place. Harry then got up and helped Cedric up. Cedric asked if they were okay and Harry and Rose responded simultaneously.

"Yeah, you?"

Cedric got his breath back and nodded, the boys looked at the place as well and Cedric asked.

"Where are we?"

Rose replied.

"Fuck knows, it was a trap. Moody did this, the bellend."

Harry mumbled as Cedric and Rose wondered round.

"I've been here before."

Rose ignored him and looked at Cedric as he looked at the cup that was lying a bit away. He muttered.

"It's a Portkey. Guys, the cup is a Portkey."

Rose nodded and added on.

"Yeah, and it's a trap set by Moody. I wonder why he sent us here out of all places."

Harry muttered again.

"I've been here before, in a dream. Cedric! Rose! We have to get back to the Cup. Now!"

Cedric asked as he stepped over a grave.

"What are you talking about?"

A door opened and Harry screamed as his scar began hurting, and a massive cauldron that was in front of the three champions, lit up. Cedric asked Harry.

"Harry what is it?"

Harry yelled through the pain.

"Get back to the cup!"

Rose looked at the person who came out and sighed as it was Pettigrew. He was holding a.. baby? A very ugly baby.

Cedric stood in front of Rose and held his wand up, he demanded.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

A hoarse voice ordered.

"Kill the spares."

Rose's eyes widened and she quickly stood in front of Cedric. She muttered to him.

"Once you're down, stay down. Steady your breathing so they think you're dead and do not move until we are out. Trust me."

Cedric gulped, but went along with it, the killing curse spiralled towards the two and it hit Rose, making her and Cedric blast backwards and hit the ground. Harry yelled.

"Rose! Cedric! No!"

Once they had hit the ground, the two stayed completely still. Cedric was alive, but dazed and dizzy since it didn't hit him, and Rose had passed out. They stayed there until the whole duel between Harry and Voldemort ended. Harry touched both their shoulders and accioed the cup, wondering why he didn't see their ghosts.

But when he got back out of the maze, he cried for his dead friends. Everyone cheered, but it wasn't until Fleur screamed, that people figured out that something was wrong.

Dumbledore ran towards the trio and tried to get Harry off of Cedric and Rose. Harry yelled out.

"He's back, He's back. Voldemort's back. So is Pettigrew, he killed Rose and Cedric. I couldn't leave them, not there."

There were gasps as Cedric coughed out, he shakily sat up, but couldn't speak. His father came down and hugged him for dear life. But since Sirius didn't know his daughter was a vampire, he cried and ran to her body.

Everyone looked shocked, except from Nathan, the Mikaelsons and the others. They knew she wasn't dead, but everyone else thought she was. That was until a few minutes later, Rose's eyes opened and she got up off the ground. She dusted herself off, ignoring the gasps and shocked looks. She then spoke up.

"Well, that was a blast. Pun most definitely intended."

She let out a chuckle and helped Cedric up who was confused on how they weren't dead. But he ignored that and hugged her, whispering in her ear.

"Thanks for saving me."

Rose smiled and patted his shoulder before she was engulfed into a hug by a worried Sirius. He scolded her.

"Don't do that to me, ever again. You hear me?"

Rose nodded and rubbed his back as he was shaking slightly from shock. People in the audience were wondering on how she was alive and how she defeated death again. But a smirk was on her face as she winked at Nathan who shook his head and smiled at her.

During all that, Harry had got pulled away by Moody and Dumbledore told everyone to go back into the castle, so they did.

Rose walked with her friends and family and Hermione pulled her away for a few minutes. Once they were in private, Hermione immediately asked.

"Are you a vampire?"

Rose, taken aback by the sudden question, blinked. She couldn't speak so Hermione added on.

"You've already died once, and the fact you came back with a Mikaelson, who I may add is a vampire and his family came by, who I also add, are Vampires and some other supernatural beings. And you came up so quick in the 2nd Task and I swear I saw you get bit by the dragon in the 1st, but when I looked at you that night and saw you had no bite mark. So I got reading. And the fact that Hagrid is giving you blood, and I know that because I saw him slip it to you when we were walking in the forest after the 2nd task. I've noticed many other things too, but like I asked. Are you a vampire?"

Rose let out a laugh and declared.

"You really are the brightest witch of your age. And yes, to answer your question, I'm a vampire. But that stays between me and you.. for now. Okay?"

Hermione nodded before squealing. Rose covered her ears and Hermione whispered excitedly.

"I have a Vampire for a best friend. That's so cool!"

Rose chortled and playfully slapped her arm, she then pulled her towards the dorm and they both got changed into their pyjamas. Rose kissed Cinder on the top of her head and layed down. The two got gossiping until they fell asleep.


The day after, a massive party was held in the great hall for the winning champions. And the three decided to split their prize money with Fred and George so they could get a head start on the joke shop they were planning.

The thoughts of last night were still in people's head and some were still confused on how Cedric and Rose survived even though they were "killed".

After that, the other schools left to go back to their schools and the golden quartet wondered if they'd ever have a normal year at Hogwarts.


Yes, I saved Cedric like I did in my other book "Snape". (Oops, spoiler if you haven't read that.)

But yeah, don't go complaining by the fact I saved him. It's my book not yours. And the reason I saved him is because of a plot in the future years of Hogwarts.

Anyway, that's Fourth Year done. Onto Fifth Year. Get ready for drama.

Quick question: What do you think will happen during 5th Year?

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