🌹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞🌹

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Rose got everyone's attention and they all made their way out of the hall, following Rose as she saw Bem pick up the sorting hat and walk forward as he noticed the Death Eaters too. Rose also noticed that Hagrid was holding someone and asked sceptically.

"Who is that Hagrid's carrying? Bem, who is it?"

Voldemort was leading the massive group and announced loudly.

"Harry Potter is dead!"

Rose used her vamp hearing and mentally smiled when she could hear Harry's heart still beating, but she put on an act as she launched forward and exclaimed.

"No! Harry!"

Nathan got ahold of Rose and she faked a sob before laughing, everyone looked at her incredulously as she pointed out.

"Hey, Voldyshit. It looks like you're missing one of your prized Death Eaters."

Voldemort looks around and asks his followers.

"Where's Pettigrew?!"

They all shrug and he then looks to Rose to find her walking towards him and smirking, he asks her demandingly.

"What have you done with him?"

Rose nonchalantly responds.

"Oh, you know, just got my revenge on him for ruining my life and betraying James and Lily. If you want to find him, well, he's going to be in pieces.. literally. Poor bugger got hit with a spell that turned him to stone and someone accidentally pushed him off a ledge. Two guesses who.."

She then mockingly gasped and retorted.

"Me, I did!"

She then starts her speech.

"You see, Voldyshit, you will not win this war, no matter how many pathetic followers you have on your side. On my side, however, I have people who are much more powerful than all of you combined. You see, we have a hybrid, that's a vampire and werewolf if you're not aware. We have many other vampires, witches that use different magic to us, werewolves that are a lot more prettier than Fenrir, may he not, rest in peace. We have a new vampire/wizard and we have two other vampire and witch/wizard hybrids. Two guesses who they are."

She doesn't let him guess as she points to herself.

"Me, again! And him. Nathan, darling. Come over here."

Nathan walks to Rose and Rose continued.

"We're also soumates, which means together, our magic is very powerful. Why don't we show you."

Rose and Nathan stood next to each other, Rose's right hand was held up, inches away from Nathan's left hand, their magic created a static between the space and slowly, the magic began moving through their body, reaching their other hands that were being held by their sides. The people behind them began backing up a little as the couple slowly raised the said hands and within a second, the magic began exploding out of them and surging towards the death eaters as the couple both had smirks on their faces.

The magic engulfed many Death Eaters and instantly killed them, the Death Eaters who did not get hit, raised their wands and went to defend when Voldemort held up a hand to stop them. Rose then taunts calmly.

"Awe, don't feel offended that I didn't kill yet. That's not my job, that's his."

Rose points to Harry and everyone looks so confused, Bem casually pulls the Sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat and holds it. Rose laughs and mocks a gasp of shock.

"Well, would you look at this. It's the Sword of Gryffindor, one of the things we can use to destroy the Horcruxes. 6 out of 7 of the Horcruxes are already destroyed, we have..."

Rose begins to list them off her fingers as she paces.

"Tom Riddle's diary, Harry unknowingly destroyed that one back in 2nd Year. Marvolo Gaunts ring who, R.I.P., Dumbledore bravely destroyed, along with his hand. Salazar Slytherin's locket, which Ron destroyed. Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, which Hermione destroyed. Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem which Harry also destroyed. Oh, wait, that's only 5. Which means we have 2 left. Hmm, I wonder what those are?"

Rose smirked as she noticed Voldemort briefly glance at his snake.

"Aw, how sweet but sad that your own snake is a Horcrux, that's gonna hit the heart when she dies also. Now, can anyone take any guesses on who or what the last Horcrux is?"

She waits a couple seconds before answering.

"Correct, it's Harry. It's very sad that he's gone.. or is he?"

Voldemort faltered and Rose continued taunting him.

"Are you sure you killed him for real this time? I mean, you failed when he was just a baby. And he defeated you, by the way, which is quite embarrassing. Yikes, getting destroyed by a one year old, that's gotta hurt. So, you did kill him for real, right?"

She looks to Voldemort who looks to a very still Harry before looking back at Rose, she smirks and mutters.


As she finishes the word, Harry rolls out of Hagrid's arms and shoots a spell at Nagini, Rose vamp speeds over to Narcissa and then vamp speeds back to the good side where Draco was already standing. Rose laughs and holds up her middle finger before shouting.

"Ha! Fuckers!"

Some Death Eaters began disapparating and you could hear Bellatrix shouting at them. Harry runs away, dodging Voldemort's spells and shouts of disbelief that he failed once again. Everyone else makes their way back into the castle and Harry soon joins them. He mutters quickly.

"I'll lure him into the castle, we have to kill the snake."

Hermione said something to Harry and Neville bravely lunged forward and knocked out a Death Eater, but Voldemort shot a spell at him and Rose yelled.


She went to go defend the spell when Mimi came out of nowhere and sent a very powerful spell back, tripping Voldemort up and making him face-plant. Everyone looked to Mimi to see her smirking at a taken aback Voldemort shoving Bellatrix away as she tried to help him up.

Neville stared at Mimi in awe and articulated.

"You saved me."

Mimi laughed and replied, dragging Neville into the castle, ignoring the pain in her feet.

"Indeed I did, now get in the castle or you'll die."

Neville followed her and Rose shook her head with a little smirk on her face as she saw Neville still staring at Mimi. Voldemort disapparated with Nagini and everyone ran inside to help fight again.

As Neville was talking to Mimi, Rose noticed Bellatrix appear and shoot a spell at her, which caught everyone's attention. Neville saw also and looked to Rose who had the same look on her face.


𝐀 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 🌹 Various Characters x OC - PolyWhere stories live. Discover now