🌹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐱🌹

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Mimi soon went into explaining.

"So, the reason I am in St Mungo's and on crutches is because I have Fibromyalgia. What's Fibromyalgia you ask? Well, Fibromyalgia, or "Fibro" for short, is a condition that causes widespread pain and extreme tiredness. I also have many other disabilities. If you're wondering why they haven't used magic to get rid of it, they have, but it made it worse. Don't worry, we sued the shit out of them. I have so many muggle medication that I have to take, but there is no cure to Fibromyalgia. It's also genetic, my mum has it too, but it's more of a rare case and she's in a wheelchair because of it. She's around here somewhere, probably swearing at patients for not moving out of the way. She's very impatient, as am I."

Rose and Neville looked shocked and Rose asked.

"Do you have magic by any chance?"

Mimi nodded and responded.

"In fact, I do. I used to go to Hogwarts until the Fibromyalgia started. Many doctors thought I had Nerve Damage, but after going to several rheumatologists, also having a nerve conductivity test where they shock my feet and legs with electrical jolts, they concluded in Fibromyalgia.. and a shit ton of other disabilities."

Neville gasped and exclaimed as he remembered the brunette haired, green eyed, spectacled girl.

"Wait, I do know you! You were the Gryffindor that kicked Gregory Goyle in the crotch when he tried to yank your hair and the one to punch Cormac McLaggen after he made a sexist joke and broke his nose. I only saw you a couple times, but I did notice that you disappeared during 4th Year. I didn't really think any of it, if I must admit."

Mimi chuckled and waved him off.

"It's alright, and yeah, that was me. I was also the one to set fire to a Ravenclaw's books after they bullied Colin Creevey and smashed his camera. During my 4th year is when the pain started, I've been here ever since. I can't really go out and do stuff because of my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Joint Hyper Mobility and Fibro absolutely tire me out and make me have no energy what so ever. My Cognitive Dysfunction also makes my Dyscalculia even harder than it is now, I get memory loss quite a bit and I can't concentrate much. However, McGonagall sends me books so I can still learn and such from the comfort of my good old hospital bed."

She then leaned forward and added.

"Right, why do they make these beds so bloody uncomfortable? It's like they want us to suffer. Do you know how many times my arse has gone numb? I literally have a dip in my bed from where I sit nearly 24/7. It's hilarious."

Rose liked the way this girl carried herself and how she was still going after constantly feeling tired and not having the energy to do anything. Neville felt sorry for the girl and wondered if she was actually happy or just putting it on due to a frown appearing every few seconds and then a smile immediately covering it.

The trio talked for ages and got to know Mimi more and found out that she disowned her dad as he was very manipulative and in Mimi's words, "a cunty dipshit".

Soon, it was time for Mimi's nap as she had a headache coming and was due her morning tablets. Rose and Neville said goodbye to Mimi and as they didn't want to leave, they kind of had to since Augusta was at home waiting for them.

Rose and Neville left and arrived back at Neville's to see a table full of food and a rushing Augusta. She stated as they looked confused.

"Cooking and baking clears my head, eat up, we're going to the Muggle World to do some last minute Christmas shopping."

Neville and Rose smiled and sat at the table with Augusta, they all tucked in and had a small conversation.


Once they all finished, they got ready to hit the streets. Rose went all out with buying gifts for the Mikaelsons and Co and also bought some for the rest of her friends which she would give them when they go back to Hogwarts.

When their money had run out, they went back to the Longbottom's and baked a few things, they also spent the rest of the night wrapping the presents.

𝐀 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 🌹 Various Characters x OC - PolyWhere stories live. Discover now