🌹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞🌹

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As Rose layed on Nathaniel's bed with a hand on her stomach, she thought about this war. She wondered how everyone at Hogwarts was doing and how the war is going to go. She knew there'd be some deaths, but she didn't know exactly who will die. But Rose also knew that they'd win this war and that Voldyshit will go down.

Katherine walked into the room and sat at the edge of the bed, she looked at a deep in thought Rose and asked.

"What are you thinking about, Rose?"

Rose blinked and looked at Katherine, she smiled lightly before responding.

"Just worried about my baby, I know Davina said that she'll put a protective spell on my stomach so I wouldn't hurt it during the war, but I'm still worried. What if I miscarry? What if I get stabbed in the stomach and the spell doesn't work? All these thoughts are invading my mind and I can't get them to dissappear."

Katherine smiled sadly and announced.

"I had a baby, many many years ago and she got taken away from me before I could even have the chance to hold her. The whole time I was pregnant, I was worrying, just like you are right now. But you have a lot of people willing to do anything to make sure this baby lives and you are safe. When we say that we're gonna keep you and the baby safe, we mean it. It's okay to worry, it's completely normal for a soon-to-be mother. But we will also be here when you give birth, we will make sure that you do not die whilst giving birth, we will make sure that you and this baby are safe. We're going to help you win this war. I promise."

Rose smiled and sat up, she then murmured out as she fiddled with her fingers.

"I just wish my mum and dad were here to see me and hold me. My mother died as soon as she gave birth to me, so I didn't really know her much. But dad and Remus always told me stories about her. How she almost face-planted when she was coming down the stairs during a ball. How she once made a potion explode during Potions just so she could go to the Hospital Wing and talk to Madam Pomfrey. How she kneed Sirius in the crotch when he accidentally offended her. From these stories, I could just tell that she was an amazing woman, and I just wish that she was here to freak out over the fact that I'm pregnant or my dad scolding me for getting pregnant at 18, but then gushing over baby clothes. I just wish I could get a time turner and save Sirius before Bellatrix killed him or how I could save my mum from dying after having me somehow.. I don't know, I just miss them."

Katherine placed a hand on Rose's shoulder and reassured her softly.

"It's okay to miss them, I miss mine too. You will get your revenge, and you will feel so much better when you win this war and when it's over. Now, for now, focus on the present instead of the future. Let's go down, we're getting ready for when we receive the news. Come on."

Katherine held out her hand and Rose gripped it, Katherine led her downstairs and met with the others. They discussed and discussed until it was time.

Time to fight.


Very short chapter, I know. But the next ones are gonna be long, here is where the war begins.

Who will die? Who will Rose save? Will the others save anyone? Get ready, it's going to be a rollercoaster.

𝐀 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 🌹 Various Characters x OC - PolyWhere stories live. Discover now