Chapter 1: Announcements

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I watch my feet moving me forward as I walk into the great hall. My sneakers are worn out, the once black color now faded to a dark gray and the soles hanging on by a thread. It's time to put in a request for new ones. Admittedly, I probably should have done so months ago. It's a surprise that my superiors haven't noticed and made me change into my ill-fitting, uncomfortable pair.

"I wonder what this is all about." Vera murmurs as she comes to stand next to me, her voice so quiet that I barely hear it above the murmurs of the humans inside.

Sighing, I drag my gaze from my shoes and look around the room. All of the castle's servants are standing around, confused expressions on their faces as they talk amongst themselves. It seems as if nobody has any clue why we've been summoned here.

The King's Second commanded that all the castle's servants be in the Great Hall before breakfast for an announcement, but that's all the information he gave.

I shrug, responding to Vera. "Me too. It's not often that they do this."

My mind flashes back to the last time the Royals had such a formal announcement, and I hold back a grimace. Some wealthy Beasts from a nearby land were coming to visit, and we were warned that their treatment of humans was harsh and to be on our best behavior.

Up until that day I never realized just how terrifying the Beasts can be. King Richard has always been relatively kind to us, making sure we are fed and clothed, but the others that came to visit operated in a much different manner. On the first day of their visit, one of the men was eyeing a kitchen girl and as she was serving him his meal, this mate reached across the table and murdered her.

The girl's throat was ripped out in one swift motion. She was frozen for a moment, almost as if her brain couldn't comprehend what had happened, before she crumpled onto the floor. There wasn't even a lull in the conversation for the Beasts. They continued on with their meal as if nothing had even happened. It was horrific, and was whispered about for months.

As Vera and I continue walking into the room,I glance around trying to spot John. He stands a good foot above the other human men, and with his overgrown mop of pale blonde hair he's generally hard to miss.

I quickly spot him talking with a group of men near the front entrance, but before I can make my way over the room falls silent. Everybody turns to face the doorway behind me, and I follow their lead.

Spinning around, I watch King Richard and his Second step into the room. Uncomfortable with their close proximity, I shuffle backward slightly. I know that the action won't go unnoticed, but it's important I keep a safe distance in case they are angry with us.

My movement causes the King to glance at me before peering around the room. He takes his time, carefully inspecting each and every one of us, occasionally nodding to himself.

I can feel my palms getting sweaty, and I resist the urge to wipe them on my dress. Instead opting to clench them into fists by my side. Why is he looking at us like this?

The King's gaze suddenly snaps back to the center of the room and he clears his throat, preparing to speak.

"Hello all," he starts, both his face and voice void of any emotion. "I'm sure you are all wondering why you are here. It has been requested that a small number of you transfer to Ziad, the kingdom immediately North of here. We have yet to decide on who will be going, but decisions will be made by the end of the day. Continue working as normal, and we will inform you later today should you be chosen to leave."

I feel my breath leave my body at his words, my shoulders slumping forward in relief. I'm a strong worker here at the castle, and it is unlikely that I will be chosen to leave.

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