Chapter 17: Lies

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"Not surprised to see you slept down there. Scared of the big bad Beasts?" Gwen taunts, her toe clipping my heel as she walks behind me.

I ignore her as I stumble, forcing myself to take a deep, calming breath as I regain my balance and continue walking as if I never paused in the first place. I was nervous about the teasing I would get this morning from her after she realized that I slept down in the servant's quarters, and am quickly realizing that she is in no mood to disappoint.

She's been following me around all morning, latching onto my side the moment she spotted me trying to sneak out of bed. Her taunting and berating came immediately, and I clench my hands by my sides as she cuts deep with her words.

Innocent women are missing, probably in the midst of being forced to partake in unimaginable acts, and all she cares about is insulting me.

"I'll take your bedroom if you don't want it. The King is probably going to give it to me anyway. I'm sure he'll want me close now that he's had his fill of you."

I scoff, ignoring her words. I'd say that the King has more than loudly expressed his disinterest in her, but if she wants to believe otherwise then who am I to stop her.

Her footsteps are loud as trails being me, the noise drawing unwanted attention from the guards. In another world I would snap at her to be quiet, but I refrain, knowing that that'll only cause her to be louder to spite me. How she doesn't seem to fear the Beasts I'll never understand.

It's pretty foolish of her and will someday get her killed.

"Did you hear that the Second ordered me to be the King's 'personal' slave this afternoon? I'm sure I don't need to explain to you what that means."

"I'm sure he did." I respond, not believing any of her words. The last time I took what she said to heart I was made to look like a fool when they were discovered to be lies, and my outbursts landed me in hot water.

"You can ask King Heloix yourself if you don't believe me. I was told to stay late after my shift tonight." She taunts, trying to egg me into asking him.

She continues on as we walk through the hallways, my anxiety spiking every time her loud noises draw the attention of the guards.

As we come upon his office door, Gwen shoulders me and walks ahead to the entrance that leads to his living quarters, her smirk falling as she struggles to heave it open. I watch for a second, internally satisfied at watching her fail, before entering Heloix's office.

He's sits being his desk as usual, and eyes me intently as I enter. I try not to stare as I give him a quick once over, my attention lingering for just a moment longer on his thick forearms that are exposed beneath his rolled-up sleeves and his chest that peeks out from behind his barely buttoned-up shirt.

"Good morning." I greet him, moving to stand behind the chair opposite his desk.

Since having the desk put in my room I don't typically come in here without notice, but my desperation to find some answers to the missing kitchen girls has me rudely inviting myself into his space.

My sweaty palms grip the top of the chair as I cycle through the different ways to approach the subject. If I come in here demanding answers there will be no way I get any, and will likely make the King angry. I was hoping to come up with something on my way here, but Gwen's talking distracted me the entire way.

I take a deep breath, preparing to beg for answers, but am cut off as Heloix drops his pen on his desk and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Where were you last night?" He asks through narrowed eyes.

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