Chapter 5: Surprises

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I can feel their eyes on me as I walk through the hallways. The corridors were practically empty this morning when I was moving around, but now they are full of Beasts, each one looking at me in contempt.

There don't appear to be too many guests in the castle. I pass by the mother-daughter pair from this morning and one other young woman just moments later, but those are the only ones I see. I'm honestly pretty surprised. King Richard loved to keep a full castle, Beasts always stopping in on their travels. I assumed that that's how this Kingdom would operate as well.

Unlike the guests, guards are everywhere. They stand every twenty feet or so, and either stare or jeer at me as I pass. The staring isn't too bad, but the jeering makes my blood boil and face heat up in embarrassment. I'm sure by the end of the day they will all know what the King's guard has done to me, and will probably be eager to have their turn.

I can't help but feel foolish for being so upset about this. It's no surprise that it's happening. Everybody in my life has warned me that it would happen and most of my peers have already experienced it firsthand.

The elder women told me when I was younger that I should have sex with human servants to prepare my body, and I'm regretting not taking their advice to heart. Maybe once the Beast has finished with me tonight I will ask John to have sex with me as well and help me adjust my body to the foreign entrance.

The Second said that we are not allowed to have children, and I wonder if that means we can't have any sort of relations with one another as well. Gwen is the only person I know here that I could ask, but there's no way she would give me a serious answer. Given her apparent dislike for me, she'd probably go right to the guards and tell them of my indiscretions.

Maybe I can have John ask around for me. I know he would have sex with me if I asked, but I want to make sure I'm not putting him at risk beforehand.

"Where are you going?" A guard suddenly asks, stepping in front of me and blocking my path.

"I'm on my way to guard's quarters. I'm expected to meet somebody there." I answer him truthfully, knowing that he would be able to sense my lying. Besides, it's only hours until they all know anyway.

The guard looks me up and down, evaluating me, before nodding and stepping aside. It's probably not too common to see a servant walking around by themselves at this time of day. Most are either in the midst of a task or moving around in pairs.

The Beast moves back to his post against the wall, and I continue my way towards the guard's chambers. Assuming that I was correct in hearing that their sleeping quarters are one floor above us, then I am pretty close.

As much as I try to ignore it, I can't help the dread that seeps into every pore of my body. I'm sure that every Beast in a fifty-foot radius of me can smell my unease, and hope that the King's guard doesn't punish me for it.

As I round the final corner I'm surprised to be met with a crowd of Beasts all huddled around whispering amongst one another. None pay any attention to me, and I glance around looking for the guard from earlier.

He doesn't appear to be in the hallway with the others, and I look around to see if I can find somebody to give me directions. To be honest I expected him to be waiting for me in the hallway. Most Beasts love to announce and parade their conquests around, and I was anticipating that this man was no different.

I spot a Beast standing alone in the corner, and hesitantly approach.

"Excuse me?" I murmur, dropping my eyes to the ground and shuffling my feet along the floor.

He grunts. "What?"

"I'm looking for the Guard who's posted in front of the King's chambers in the morning." I answer, hoping that he will know who I'm referring to.

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