Chapter 14: Gossip

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"The King told me he likes the way I fold his jeans. Said it's the best he's ever had it done." Gwen brags in between bites.

She's been at this all week, every day talking about some compliment the King bore her. It's pretty annoying to listen to and often makes me angry to hear. Everybody else eats it up like butter, though, wanting to hear more about the King and his actions.

"Oh wow! I can't believe he said that!" A servant who I haven't met before says, eyes wide in amazement.

"Yeah, he's honestly so sweet."

I roll my eyes at their conversation, trying to block them out as I eat my breakfast. I've been coming down here in the mornings and after work to eat, and while it's not exactly convenient, it is nice being able to spend time with everybody still.

Usually, I sit next to John so we can catch up and chat about our day, but he hasn't shown up this morning. I got down here a bit later than usual, though, so I figure he's probably already left for the day.

He was pretty upset when I told him that he couldn't come to my room anymore, but has seemed better the past few days. The other servants have been treating me a bit differently too, some opting to suck up to me in hopes that I'll put in special orders for them while others ignore me entirely because I'm 'consorting' with the Beasts.

Gwen and the other woman continue to gossip, my grip on my fork tightening with each word.

"His bed is huge too, and so comfortable."

Her words have my full attention. How does she know how comfortable his bed is?

"What? Have you.." The other woman asks, voice trailing off suggestively at the end.

I watch carefully for Gwen's reaction, but she simply smirks at the girl, sending her a sly wink. The motion doesn't go unnoticed by me, my body filling with anger at the knowledge that they have been together.

King Heloix doesn't pay her much attention while we are together, but apparently I don't know what happens behind closed doors. Clearly he's just looking for a warm body in his bed, the person connected to it unimportant.

I scoff at the thought, not at all surprised. Beasts aren't exactly known to have a lot of integrity. Or, apparently, taste.

"Have something you want to say, Adeline?" Gwen turns her attention to me with amusement.

I shake my head, thinking back to the expression my mother used to say. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. Gwen continues to smirk at me until I grow tired of it and get up to leave.

It's not appropriate for her to be talking about the King in such a way. She's being foolish and, if she isn't careful, will end up getting herself killed. I wouldn't be surprised if Jade does it herself when she gets wind of Heloix's indiscretions.

My stomach grumbles as I walk out of the room, the organ angry with me for not finishing my food, but I ignore it. I'll eat extra tonight to make up for it.

Heloix said that he would have a desk put in my room for me to do work, but we have just been sharing his desk in the meantime. It's a bit inconvenient, both of us taking up opposite ends of the surface, but it gets the job done.

As promised, he also switched the hinges from his bedroom door to the office so I can enter and exit as I please. It's been a lifesaver, especially on days where he isn't there to let me out.

I take my time as I walk to his office, happy that none of the guards are giving me any trouble. Heloix is sitting behind the desk as I enter, and I give him a curt nod before heading over to my end of the desk and sitting in the office chair he had put in for me.

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