Chapter 36: Attempt

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Adeline looks rapidly between me and the fruit I hold in my hand, eyes wide in panic as she tries to figure out whether I'm serious or not. I don't actually expect her to suck off the banana, especially when she was just choking, but I can't resist teasing her a bit.

I peek over at the used, mushy fruit that sits on the counter, a smirk spreading across my face as I imagine her practicing on them, her cheeks hollowed out as she tries to suck them off.

As hot as it is, I'm furious that she would do something so dangerous. Especially when she has something to practice on that won't break in half inside of her.

I could sense her enjoyment through our bond while she was in here, and despite my jealousy over the fact that it was because of her human boy, I was happy that she was finally feeling something other than anger and frustration.

The second it turned to panic I was out the door and rushing towards our wing. As I came around the corner and spotted that stupid human boy running towards me, face beet red as he pointed towards my wing, I knew something was wrong.

It took everything in me not to lash out. My Beast wanted me to kill him, to reach out and snap his neck as I walked past him, but knowing that Adeline would be upset I chose instead to grab a fistful of his hair and drag him along with me.

I hold back a smile as I remember his pained squeals, hands coming up to grip mine and instinctively trying to pry his hair loose. If it weren't for the sight of Adeline looking so helpless standing in the kitchen by herself, hands scratching desperately at her throat, I probably would have ripped the hair out.

"Well?" I urge, giving the banana a slight shake.

"I'm not going to do that." She responds, voice hoarse from the trauma it just endured.

She winces as she speaks, and I drop the fruit on the ground with regret. She doesn't like my teasing. Reaching out, I grab onto her arms and gently guide her out of the kitchen and into the living room. She doesn't fight with me to my utter relief, instead remaining silent as I lead her to the couch.

"Let me get you some tea." I murmur before turning and heading back into the kitchen.

With her back turned to me, I quickly reach down into my pants and grab my hard cock, pulling the pinched muscle up into my waistband. Adeline's been feeling horny all day, her body sending me constant reminders of her arousal and preventing me from getting any meaningful work done.

The second she left for breakfast this morning I was in her bedroom stealing her clothing, jerking off into them like a teenager. It was much easier when she was cleaning for me as my sheets constantly smelled of her so I didn't even have to leave my bed.

Now they just smell like that young girl, which does nothing but annoys me.

Having to search around for something that held her scent put me behind schedule this morning, and if she came barreling in here just five minutes earlier with that human boy they would have both gotten an eyeful.

Taking a deep breath, I shake those thoughts away and force myself to focus on her tea. I'm unsure what kind she likes, and after glancing over all the flavors I grab camomile in the hopes that it will help to soothe her throat.

I stare at the back of her head as I wait for the water to heat up. Her once-tight ponytail has come quite loose, the hair now resting in a pile at the back of her neck. I wish to run my fingers through it and hope that if I play my cards right tonight that she will let me do just that.

The tea kettle begins to whistle, the noise hurting my sensitive ears as I reach over and move it off the burner. Adeline's head turns to look at me as I pour her tea but I pretend not to notice, keeping my face cast downward at the counter.

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