Chapter 24: Aftermath

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The first thing I notice when I wake is the intense pain in my skull, every breath and heartbeat feeling like a sledgehammer pounding against my temples. The pain is all-encompassing, taking up every ounce of my attention and leaving no room for me to figure out where I am or what's going on around me.

My jaw aches from how hard I'm clenching it, the muscle clamped painfully as I try to focus on anything other than my pain. After what seems like hours, but is probably only a couple of minutes, I feel it finally start to fade, the pressure present but no longer so intense.

I can barely make out the sounds of movement around me, feet shuffling along the floor and quiet clinks as objects are moved. I try to open my eyes to get my bearings, wanting to know where I am and who is around me, but my lids don't cooperate. None of my limbs are cooperating, opting to remain still despite my many attempts to move them.

"You're making a huge mistake." A familiar voice calls out, tight and full of anger. I try to make out who it belongs to but can't seem to put a finger on it.

There's silence for a brief moment before another speaks. "I don't give a fuck."

"What will the people think?" The first voice speaks up again.

A quiet growl reverberates throughout the room, silence following as the two cease their movements. I try once more to open my eyes, beginning to panic as I realize that I'm trapped within my body.

"Again, don't give a fuck."

There's a loud sigh before something to my left clatters. It sounds almost like a heavy object being slammed down onto a counter but it's hard to tell. More footsteps echo through the room, sounding hurried, before a door slams shut.

"Heloix, stop and think about this for a minute. You don't want to make any rash decisions." The man urges, a slight tinge of desperation in his tone.

Heloix? I try again to open my eyes, eager to know if he is in the room. Despite his apparent plan to turn me into some slave, I know he doesn't want harm to come to me. If he's here then the other Beasts won't be able to get me.

My mind is quite hazy, but I clearly remember the guard forcing his way into my room and attacking John and me.

The feeling of his hand around my throat and the murderous look in his eye are ones I know I'll never forget. I don't remember anything after he struck me in the face, my mind having been quite jumbled from the force, but I can only imagine it wasn't good. Nothing good ever happens when the Beasts are involved.

Worry rushes through me as I think of John, remembering how he struggled to breathe after the Beast released him. I desperately hope that he was able to escape my room and make it back to the servant's quarters before Heloix showed up. It was a mistake bringing him to my room in the first place.

"Quiet. Adeline's awake." Heloix says, sounding much closer than before.

Seconds later, I feel my hair being pushed out of my face and warm fingers brushing lightly against my forehead. The touch is comforting, but is quickly removed as the sound of another clearing their throat echoes throughout the room.

"Relax, Adeline. You and your-"Heloix pauses, clicking his tongue quietly in annoyance. "friend are safe."

His words calm me only slightly, bringing me comfort for a moment before I begin to attempt once more to open my eyes and get my bearings. I want to know what happened and who else is in this room with me.

The lack of control I have right now has me in a panic, the feeling of being so weak and exposed unsettling.

A hand is suddenly placed on my shoulder, large fingers curling around the muscle and pressing me into the mattress. I know that it's probably Heloix touching me but I still try to jerk away in fear.

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