Chapter 46: Revelations

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Peeping my head out of the door, I give Heloix a small wave as he leaves for his office, my heart racing as I wait for the door to slam shut behind him. He turns and gives me an odd glance, eyes scanning my body before leaving.

I let out a sigh of relief when he's finally gone, turning back to my room and sprinting over to my pants that still sit neatly on my dresser. The note remains deep in the pocket, and I quickly glance over my shoulder to ensure that Heloix has not secretly returned before pulling it out.

My name is written out on the front, and I run my finger along the script before tearing it open, the paper unfolding several times to reveal a short sentence inside. I stare at it curiously, eyes squinting as I try to make out what the words mean.

I assume by the handwriting that a Beast has written it, the font smooth and easy to read. Humans tend to have a mixture of chicken scratch and poor grammar.

Flipping it over, I double-check that nothing has been written on the other side before turning it back to face me.

The human you shop with knows the truth.

It's clear that the human it refers to is John, but the truth part has me stumped. He's not exactly one to keep secrets, the mere thought giving him what the humans call anxiety bowels.

I can feel my blood pressure spike as I start to worry about all the things that it could be, and my hands shake as I fold back up the note and stick it securely in my pocket. This is likely just some mean prank that a guard is pulling on me, but a small part of me fears that it speaks the truth and there's something I don't know.

With the note safely put away, I hurry out of my wing towards the servant's chambers, hoping to catch John before he leaves for the morning. He's always milling about nowadays, taking advantage of the security our friendship offers him.

The corridors are relatively empty as I move through them, the only bodies present being the guards standing along the wall. As I round the corner that will lead me to the stairwell, I gasp and jump back behind the wall, having spotted Heloix leaving his office.

Bringing my hand up to my chest, I push against the muscle as I force myself to take a deep breath and calm down. He didn't seem to notice me, but I know that he definitely heard me, and my odd reaction has no doubt made him suspicious.

"Adeline?" He questions, popping his head around the corner and glancing down at me with a smirk. "Care to share why you are hiding from me?"

I feign innocence as I step away from the wall, plastering a big grin on my face.

"I wasn't!"

Heloix snorts, stepping towards me and crowding me back against the wall. I crane my neck to look at him, my face heating up under his gaze.

His hand moves towards my face, fingers grabbing onto a strand of my hair and tucking it behind my ear.

"I won't force you to tell me, but I'd like to know." He murmurs.

Leaning into his touch, I shut my eyes as I wrack my brain for a believable excuse, popping them open as one comes to mind.

"I was going to get John and have him help me carry our new furniture to the servant's chambers." I say, the lie rolling smoothly off my tongue.

Heloix squints, but doesn't push the subject.

"I'll walk with you." He murmurs, turning on his heel and walking down the hallway he just came from.

I hold back a relieved sigh as I begin to follow him, a small smile spreading on my face as he reaches down and grabs my hand with his. Heloix strolls towards the servant's quarters, his feet moving so sluggish that I end up being the one to lead us.

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