Chapter 10: Drinking

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I glide my finger across the rough wood surface, avoiding eye contact with the Second.

A large imposing desk sits between us, but even that doesn't feel like enough. He's been interrogating me for what is probably only twenty minutes but feels like hours, demanding I tell him everything about the King and I's relationship. Unfortunately, I have no good answers to his probing questions, and the ones I do have I feel uncomfortable talking about.

Why does it matter what King Heloix and I talk about or how I got the cut on my face? Judging by the nature of his questions, I'm assuming that the King doesn't know or approve of his Second doing this.

I'm not sure if I should say anything to the King though. He was so angry with me for ruining his dinner that I wouldn't be surprised if he punished me for tattling and questioning the intentions of his Second.

"What happened when Heloix pulled you out of the room?" The Second asks me again, his voice stern.

I shrug, uncomfortable telling him that the King hugged me. "Nothing. He was upset that I was helping in the kitchens and told me to stick to my assigned job. Then he left."

The Second narrows his eyes at me, clearly not believing what I'm saying.

"That's all?" He probes further.

I nod, keeping my mouth shut. The Second sighs and gives his temples a quick rub. I want to ask why he wants to know so bad but I know better than to pry.

"You may leave." He finally says, gesturing to the door.

I don't hesitate to take him up on the offer, immediately jumping out of the chair I'm sitting in and rushing out of the room. The Second's office is on the top floor near his suite, and I'm all too aware of my current proximity to the King.

As much as I know that I should go back down to the servant's quarters and go to bed, a larger part of me seeks to find him and apologize for ruining his meal tonight.

My feet carry me down the hallway towards the King's chambers, and before I know it I'm standing in front of his door. His guards watch me with curious eyes, no doubt wondering what I am doing here so late, but they make no move to stop me.

Tentatively, I raise my fist and lightly tap on the wood. It's ripped open directly after the first knock, and I'm met with the King's chest. I back up a step and look up to meet King Heloix's eye.

"I wanted to apologize for today. I shou-"

My words are cut off as the King abruptly moves to the side.

"Come in." He says roughly, eyeing the guard behind me.

I follow his command and make my way into the room. The fear I have from being around him is still present, but has lessened considerably over time. Despite the King's nasty reputation, he's been pretty decent and hasn't brought me any harm.

The second I'm fully in the suite the King releases the door and lets it slam behind me. I stand idly in the room, watching as he goes into the kitchen and gets down two glasses from the cupboard. He pours a dark liquid in one, but pauses and hesitates as he goes to pour it in the second glass as well.

The King looks up at me, his eyebrows furrowed in question. "Have you ever had alcohol before?"

I shake my head vigorously. It's against the rules in most kingdoms for humans to drink any sort of alcohol, the punishment for doing so often severe. He hums to himself at my response before bending down to put the bottle away. I expect him to fill the second glass with water, but am surprised as he comes back up with a wine bottle in hand.

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