Chapter 38: Shifting

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I move my arm to the side as Heloix shifts his hold on me, his right arm wrapping tightly around my back and ending at my front while his left hand remains loosely placed on my thigh. The Beasts are slow to line up in front of him, their eyes narrowed as they take in my position on his lap.

Jade ignores my presence altogether and continues to talk to Heloix as if I'm not even here. She rambles on about some performance happening in the city but gives up when Heloix refuses to acknowledge her.

Her gaze drops down to where his fingers run along the seam of my dress, an eyebrow quirking as a look of pure disgust takes over her features. I have half a mind to feel embarrassed by his wandering hands, but my jealously has me taking pleasure in it instead.

"I love this dress on you." Heloix murmurs, leaning forward so his lips are directly next to my ear. "But you need to turn because everybody can see up it."

I let out a small gasp at his words, immediately turning so my legs face to the side instead of forward. Heloix helps me make the movements, dropping his knee down so I can easily slide my legs over his. His arm reaches down and hooks around my thighs as I settle, the thick muscle acting as a barrier from the prying eyes of the Beasts.

Jade walks away from us in a huff, her movements smooth as she takes her place in the line that continues to form in front of Heloix and me. The Beasts all standing tall and proud as they wait for the opportunity to speak to their King.

A couple of others continue to stand around idly, and I wonder if they are here just to observe. It seems as if most humans have left the room as well, only a select few remaining at their post along the wall.

Heloix adjusts his head on top of mine, the stubble on his chin getting caught in the hair I spent so long messing with this morning. I think about reaching up and fixing it for a moment, but as I take in all the dirty looks I'm receiving, I decide just to remain still.

The sudden sound of Heloix clearing his throat cuts the silence, the Beasts all snapping their gazes from me to him.

"Begin." He commands, gesturing to the large man that stands in the front of the line.

I watch, intrigued, as the man steps forward and bows slightly, his face tilting downwards in respect. He wears simple, slightly dingy clothing, the material hanging loosely off his frame. I drop my gaze lower, past his hands nervously wringing a grey hat, to his shoes. They are relatively old, visibly worn out at the toes and sides.

I was under the impression that all the Beasts lived in luxury and am surprised to see one looking so raggedy.

"My King," He starts, standing back up as he speaks. "The new poultry tax is running me out of business. I've had to raise prices and it's driving my customers away. My children are going hungry."

Heloix hums as he listens, the noise sending small vibrations through my body.


I turn slightly to look at Heloix, surprised by his callous response. His jaw is taut as he regards the man, lips pursed slightly in distaste. Uncomfortable, I shift somewhat and settle further into his lap, pleased as arms tighten and he holds me tighter against his chest.

The man splutters as Heloix's disinterest, his face reddening in what I assume to be anger and embarrassment. I couldn't imagine how I would feel if I was in his position, having taken a day off work and gotten all dressed up to beg the King for help, only for him to give no care.

Heloix's eyes fall to me as the man begins speaking once more, voice full of desperation as he pleads for some assistance. Despite the cruelty I have experienced at the hands of the Beasts, I still feel pity as I listen to him, not wanting his family to go hungry. The man finishes speaking with a defeated sigh, and I glance at Heloix with worry, unsure if he will agree to help.

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