Chapter 28: Ride

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Note: Let's pretend that this is a magic horse that can easily handle the weight of two adults. I've never ridden a horse. Pls take what I've written with a grain of salt.

"Is nobody else coming?" I ask, turning away from the horse to look at Heloix.

I was under the impression that there would be multiple others traveling with us today yet the field before us is bare, not one person in sight. Heloix looks up at me from the tail end of the horse, fingers stilling on the ropes he is using to fasten our bags to the mammal.

"The others have already left. Your human took too long to pack and now we are behind." He mutters, giving the ropes one last yank. "That'll do. Get up on the horse."

Bringing my attention back to the animal, I reach up and grab the saddle with both hands before kicking my leg into the air and reaching my foot towards the stirrup. It misses by an embarrassing amount, and I let out an annoyed groan before repeating the process once more.

"My leg doesn't go that high." I pout, dropping my hands from the saddle and turning to Heloix in defeat. His eyebrows are raised in amusement from watching my failed attempts, and I try not to take offense to it.

"Well, you need to learn how to do it. I won't always be available to lift you." He murmurs between stifled chuckles.

Despite his words, Heloix steps forward and grips me tightly at the hips before hoisting me up and setting me directly on the center of the seat. My hands reach forward and grasp the horn in panic, anxiety rushing through me at being on top of such a large, unpredictable animal.

After ensuring that the horse below me isn't going to take off in a run, I carefully release my left hand to tug down the hem of my dress. Heloix says nothing as he watches me adjust my clothing, choosing instead to bring his attention to the reins as I ensure that both of my thighs are entirely covered.

"What happened treating me like I'm made of glass?" I snap, feeling both embarrassed and frustrated by my lack of experience.

Heloix doesn't bother to look up at me, but I notice him roll his eyes.

"What happened to being independent?" He retorts.

Without warning, Heloix gets up on the horse as well, scootching me forward so he can fit in behind me. The giant mammal steps to the side as he adjusts to the weight, the sudden movements making me jump and slide towards the edge of the saddle. Heloix quickly catches the action, his hands flying to my waist and steadying me before reaching forward and grabbing onto the reins.

I'm all too aware of his biceps digging into my sides and his chest pressing firmly against my back, the proximity quickening my pulse as I inch forward to put some space between us. Admittedly, the position isn't nearly as comfortable, but I will manage.

The horse begins its trot after Heloix nudges its sides, a tiny squeak falling from my lips at the sudden movement. Needing something to hold onto, I once again grab the horn with both hands, gripping it so tightly that my knuckles turn white.

Although the pace is slow, my heart rate spikes every time the horse steps on the uneven terrain and jostles the saddle. Heloix's large thighs cage me in, bringing me a slight sense of security, but I try my best not to rely on them to keep me safe.

We make no conversation as we travel, and I seize the opportunity to take in the beautiful sights. I've never been inside of a forest before and it's better than I could have ever imagined. Loud birds coo and tweet nonstop, screaming their mating calls for the world to hear before taking off and flying circles around one another in a delicate, rehearsed dance. I gaze at them in wonder, filled with intrigue as we pass and approach a large creek.

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