practically twins T.H.

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requests: hi babe!! maybe a tom x reader story where the sebastian and anthony love the reader (but not tom hahahah) and tom just like "you love her but not me?!" and they're just like 🤷🏻‍♀️!! i think could be really funny!!

heyy can u do a fluffy where sebastian, anthony are at the comic con with tom and they start talking about how tom is a good boyfriend to ag!reader?

"Love, we have thirty minutes until I'm due on stage. Don't you wanna go explore instead of meeting more of my castmates?"

"Thomas," You look at him expectantly. "These aren't just your castmates. This is Anthony and Seb we're talking about — that's- that's better than anything else here."
"Wow, I love you too." His words are filled with sarcasm, and you playfully roll your eyes.

The two of you share a laugh as you make your way through the backstage hallway and into a room with a long table loaded with snacks for the on-stage presenters. Around the room are various seats and couches — one of which seats the stars of Captain America: Civil War.

"Try not to fangirl," He whispers into your ear, hand on the small of your back to guide you to the pair of men, who are deep in conversation about something you couldn't be bothered to catch. You're too starstruck at their presence to much care. "Hey, guys." Tom waves. Both pairs of eyes turn to the two of you.

"If it isn't the spiderling." Anthony closes his green hydro flask, setting on the ground.

"Be nice," Sebastian eyes him and he speaks through a laugh. "He brought a girl."

"Probably paid her to be his girlfriend for the day."

Your mouth drops as you laugh at the insult. When your reaction is received by the men, they lean forward, intrigued and amused.

"Anyways," Tom's eyes are wide in the sense that he hopes everyone gets the message. "This is Y/N L/N, my girlfriend."


"We know who she is, spider-boy. She's like the most popular singer these days." Sebastian ruffles his hair gently, and Tom rolls his eyes again.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," You offer a hand to each of them, both accepting the shake gracefully.

"How long have you been dating the Brit brat?" Anthony points to Tom with his thumb, and you let out a soft chuckle.

"Just a few months."

"Written any songs about him?"

"Oh... just a few," you tease. After a few moments, you sit down in between them while Tom goes to get some refreshments. When he returns, you're so deep into the conversation that you don't even notice him.

"I come over and he's drunkenly singing God is a woman. An-and he's thrown golden glitter all over his chest," You're speaking through heavy laughs, Sebastian smacking his knees in such amusement that the three of you can't even get a breath in.

"What are you talking about?" He sets the bottle of water on a side table.

"You and your drunk activities."

He groans, head tilting back. "At least I'm cute and clingy when I'm drunk."

Eventually, the laughter settles down to an attainable degree.

"You're not that cute," Anthony rolls his eyes again, and you laugh, going off about another story. You seem to be getting along so well that Tom can't help but wonder how this was meant to be: you, in his life.

Eventually, a stage director interrupts to tell the boys they're needed on stage in five minutes, and the four of you are walking down a corridor. You're holding Tom's hand, yet still engrossed in your talks with Seb & Anthony.

"I cannot believe you guys spent the entire time talking to each other but not me." Tom whines, sporting a silly pout. "I introduced this. I can't believe you two love her but not me. We're practically twins! We're so alike-"

"Ah, ah," Anthony holds up a single index finger, motioning it back and forth.

"Is Tommy jealous?" You pinch his cheeks, and he groans again, causing spurts of laughter to emit from all three of you. When the time passes and they have to go, you give Tom a kiss, squeezing his hand before sending them to the stage.

"We have actually," Sebastian answers the fan's question. "We actually just met her today. She's an awesome girl."

"That you only know because of me," Tom reminds them.

"Yeah," Anthony motions to this guy with eyes that read 'this guy, again?' and the crowd laughs. "I will say though, from the way she describes him, he seems like a good boyfriend?"

Tom deflates at the sudden compliment, flattered, and he jutts his lip out cutely.

"Yeah, not to mention all the times he's late to set because he's always checking up on her."

"How often is Tom late to set?" The host asks him.

Sebastian ponders the question for a few beats. "He's... always talking so pretty much all the time. There was one time, though, where he just skipped shooting for the day."

"Oh, I remember that!" Anthony clasps his hands together. "I was pissed because I was in my costume and we found out that buddy boy over here wasn't showing up. But then Evans — Chris, that is — told us somebody needed a mental break."

"I... remember that, too." Tom breathes out, blush setting on his face. "I- I left set to help Y/N/N feel a little better."

A series of "aww's" goes around the rather large room, and another blush brightens Tom's golden face. He hides behind his hands, all of a sudden shy. Anthony shoves his shoulder jokingly, in hopes to get Tom to emerge, and the show goes on.

"But yeah, Y/N's lovely and Tom's a great boyfriend. Hopefully we can all hang out again and maybe post some selfies."

And oh, how you do. 

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