everything i love about you T.H.

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request: hey i have a request for you my dear :) could you write like a one shot of the reader and tom having a child and he's worried that the baby is gonna hate him for leaving to film so often? maybe like all fluffy? if not thats totally cool tysm❤️❤️

。☆✼★━━ requests are closed ━━★✼☆。

Tom's emerged in a script, but he's not actually reading the words. He's not learning the lines and falling in love with the plot, despite the fact that he promised you he'd start getting back in the grind for his work. He's scanning the same page for the past twenty minutes, and you recognize the habits as soon as you walk into the room.


"I'm doing it!" He huffs, and you roll your eyes playfully, striding towards him before plopping yourself beside him on the soda couch.

"No you're not." You wrap an arm around his shoulders and he sighs, slamming the booklet closed and throwing it to the other end of the couch.

He hums before admitting, "I'm not."

You sigh, silence settling for a few beats. "Talk to me, Tommy. What's up?"

"Nothing..." He doesn't sound convinced himself and you hum again.

"You love working. What's so different now?"

He looks at you, eyes doe and soft, ready to water if it comes to that. "This is... the first time I'm going away since..." he clears his throat. "Since Red was born."

You almost pout at his pureness. "Aww, Tom..." He hums while your hands rub his back soothingly. "You know you're not going away for too long? Just a month, tops."

"I know, but..." He looks around as if someone's listening — as if he's not allowed to say what he's thinking.

"But what, baby?"

You look concerned, and the sparkle in your eyes makes his inside mushy.

"I'm afraid Red's not gonna... y'know," he lifts his shoulders almost subconsciously. "She's not gonna remember me and she's gonna get all fussy and I won't... she won't- she won't be my baby girl anymore."

"Tommy," you catch his attention, his eyes darting towards yours. "She's always gonna be your baby girl. You working is not going to change that."

"But what if she hates me for working so much?"

Your face softens immediately, almost as if your feelings have been hurt and you've been let down. Tom's a bit too blinded by anxiety to notice the deflated glint in your eyes.

"She could never hate you," You assure him, squeezing his sides and nudging him closer. "She loves you so much, Tom. You know that, right?" He nods, unconvinced, and you keep going. "There is nowhere in the world you go where she wouldn't follow. No amount of time you could be apart that would make her forget you. You're her hero, Tommy. Your work, your movies..." you pause, glancing up to the ceiling to dry your watered eyes. "Your life, Tommy. You've made her who she is."

"Love..." He completely turns in your direction, letting out a choked breath before burying his head in the crook of your neck. You let out a teary laugh while you embrace him, holding him tightly and rocking gently, out of habit of what you've done with baby Scarlet.

"God," he separates for a moment, running a hand through his messy curls before wiping his red eyes. "Thank you, darling. I didn't know I needed that," he pauses, softening. "I love you."

You smile gently, nodding. "I know, baby. But that's why you have me, right?"

Your cheeky grin brings him back and he chuckles, pulling you close as he leans his head against your shoulder. "Remember when you were my only baby girl?"

You giggle, nodding while rubbing your hands together. You reminisce on the times before Scarlet was born — it makes you nostalgic. It makes you miss all those moments where it was just you and Tom against the world. But, you wouldn't trade Red for the world.

"I remember," you agree quietly.

He hums in content. "I love Red so much."

"Yeah?" You smile widely, looking up at him from your hunched hug.

He looks into your eyes in such a cliche way, you want to laugh at the dream-like-ness of them.

"Yeah," he confirms. "She's everything I love about you."

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