When He Tries BabySitting!

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Requested by: @StepTep_Honey ! Thanks for the request, but I decided to change some things! Instead of letting him react to y/n, acting like a mom in front of Class 1-A, I decided to let the reader react to Aizawa being husband material! Hope that's okay! Enjoy reading!

•This man is up for it! He would probably accept right away and try to get tips, if you and him DID have a baby.

"Sho, I'm so sorry I called you again! Its just that Nedzu asked for the report, perfect timing with babysitting my baby cous-"

You were caught off with a kiss in the lips and you were stunned, "It's fine. Go and work, I'll take it from here."

"B-But, do you know where the-"

"The milk, toys, food and diapers, yes. You've told me this a lot of times already."

You sighed happily and pecked his forehead, and whispered in his ear, "Thank you so much, Sho. You're a life savior!"

"Yeah, no problem. Now get your ass out of here and work." Aizawa secretly spanks your ass and you yelped, glaring at him, before playfully walking away, not after bidding him goodbye.

After you left, Aizawa takes deep breathes and went to take a look of your sleeping baby cousin. He opened the door slowly and quietly, taking a look inside and found himself staring at a pair of blueberry eyes.

Aizawa walks inside the room, keeping an eye out for the baby, who's eyes followed the adult's every movement.

Aizawa makes his way to the crib and looks down, inspecting the baby's pinkish cheeks and how cute the small pajamas looked on him. And yes, it was a 'him'. His name was Kageyama. What a nice name for a cute looking baby.

The baby babbles baby words at Aizawa, who in turn, chuckles and reached his hand towards the baby. The baby took Aizawa's index and middle finger and held onto it tightly, not letting go after a few seconds.

Aizawa felt his heart melt. "I'll take care of you, kiddo."

•Time Skip for 3 hours, you were now back and bought some new toys for your baby cousin.

You were really surprised, when Aizawa picked up the door, with your cousin on his arms.

"S-Shouta! I'm back!"

"Oh, your home now?" Aizawa steps aside, and you took off your shoes. It looked like Aizawa didn't have a bad time with Kageyama. Cute...

"Yes, Nedzu was actually pretty fast and we just ended a few minutes ago. So I went and picked up some toys for baby Kags." You tickled Kageyama's sides and he giggled and babbled happily, clapping his hands with delight.

"You know, you would look like a great mom someday."

"Hm? What was that, Sho?" You asked the man, who blushed madly on what he said. Aizawa les you take the baby and covers his mouth with his t-shirt blazer, diverting his eyes to his feet.


You nodded and looked at Kageyama, who was asleep in your arms, cuddling you slightly. 'You'll also be a great dad someday too, Shouta...'

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