Dating Aizawa would include:

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-Him being 89% jealous when some guy flirts to you. In situations like this, he would mostly grab your waist from behind and rest his head on your shoulder. "She has a boyfriend. Back off, please." If the man kept bothering you, he might scare the poor guy away, by activating his quirk and his eyes turn red. Then the guy would take a hint to back off and walk away. Pro heroes weren't allowed to harm people in public, but who said that they could SCARE?

-Him being a softie at some times. When it comes to cuddles and kisses, he will launch at you like a cat and attack you with neck kisses and cuddle you to death.

-Cuddles and binge watching netflix. Mostly he liked to watch action or horror, but he always makes sure your okay with it and make a decision.

-Him owning a lot of cat stuff. When Oliver and Kyanma(The other cats' name lmao-) wanted to play with their papa, Aizawa would give in and play with them, bringing out some toys he bought for them from his salary. Of course, you just stood there and admired him and the kittens. You made sure to take a picture, hehe.

-Loves anime. 36 animes, Aizawa watched 36 animes with you. He always loved the action anime and...he likes romance anime. But he'll never tell you, because he's too shy you might tease him about it.

-Secretly watches memes. This boy is an absolute crackhead from the inside. This guy slaps your ass one time, yelling 'i like your cut g'. It took you a while to processed what just happened, and when you did, boy you were flustered.

-Lot of neck bites. Do i have to explain this? When he had a rough day at work, he'll usually take his stress out of you, but you both haven't done the 'it' yet.

-He hates horror video games. Yes. 'Aizawa isn't a scaredy-cat!', 'There's no way Aizawa hates horror video ganes, he loves horror movies!', but no. One time, he got scared and tried to act confident, but failed. Video games hit different than movies, he quotes. Weird-

Should I write spicy scenarios? What do you guys think? ;-;

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