When He Tries Playing Roblox

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"How does this work again?" Aizawa plopped his arms on his knees and stared at you, wanting for answers.

You decided to introduce Aizawa to a game that was popular nowadays and he gave in easily, much to your surprise.

Aizawa had been spending time with Mic a lot more these days, and always thinking about something. He has been busy with his phone too.

But, so far, you and him were still in a healthy relationship.

"Well, press W to walk forward, press A to move to the left, S for right, and D for backwards. Spacebar for jump. Got it?" You added again, tapping each button slowly and he nodded in response.

You chuckled through your nose and looked back at the laptop screen that displayed a game you were all too familiar with.

Being friends with Mic means, being recommended with video games every single day. And YOU WEREN'T COMPLAINING.

"Okay so...W...A...S...D." Aizawa muttered and pressed each button, resulting for his character to start moving.

"And if you wanna move your screen, just move the mouse around." You pointed at the mouse and he nods, too busy with trying to control his avatar.

"Oh look! Someone said hello!" You excitedly exclaimed, causing Aizawa to look at the screen.

Someone DID say hello. It was a girl. Her character was dressed up all emo-like.

"How do I type?" Aizawa asks, and you pressed the / button.

"There. Type."


•At first, he didn't know what to do. He wasn't aware of the game: Roblox. Thought it was a childs' game.

"Why is he calling me a noob? Kitty, what's a noob?"

•After a few minutes of playing, he basically got the hang of it and was a pro with obbies.

His favorite game was Tower Of Hell, and you knew this was coming.

•Since Tower Of Hell was known as a rage game, Aizawa sure did handle his anger very well.

Aizawa flinched as he falls from one section to another. Just in time for a moving platform to catch him.

"Don't mind, don't mind, babes! You can do it!" You cheered him on, and it did lighten up his spirits a little bit.

•One time, he actually hits you while raging. And boy, was his reaction fucking hilarious.

"DAMN IT!" Aizawa accidentally slaps you in the head and you let out a little yelp.

"Oh shit! Sorry, sorry, babe. Sorry, so sorry. There, There." He immediately comes to your rescue and peppers kisses all over your head, not wanting to hear you cry. "It hurts, Sho!"

"I know! I didn't look where I was hitting and-I'm so so so so sorry..."


You thought as he kept mumbling 'sorrys' under his breath, and cuddled you to death to make up for what he did.


I'll be publishing the next scenarios by tomorrow or tonight👁👄👁

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