When He Turns Into A Girl And You Turn Into A Boy

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"Can I get your number, beautiful?"

"Are you lost, baby girl?"

"I'm sorry...But I have to get going. I'm in a rush..." The girl sweat dropped and tried to step away from the crowd of boys, who were clamoring away about giving her number to them.

'Goddamit...How did I get into this situation?-'

Shouta Aizawa, no...Shouta Aizalyne had been turned into a girl and that was her girl name, came up with it herself.

-How did Shouta turn into one? Simple, he accidentally got hit by a gender swapped quirk from a villain who held people captive from an attack.

-Was he thicc as a girl? Well, he does look thicc, he had the boobs, the ass...boy, even the hair--

'I need to focus on how to get out of here. Y/n's waiting for me.'

"Ah! There you are, honey!"

Shouta looked behind him and sees a boy figure running towards him and stops in front of the group of boys.

'Who the-'

"And who must you be?"

"I'm Shouta's boyfriend. Who are you?"

'What in the actual fuck is happening.'

"Awe, cutie has a boyfriend, eh?"

"Well, pal, sharing is caring! You wouldn't mi-"


The man stumbles back, his hand flew to his nose and his companions helped him up.

"Leave. Now."

"F-Fine!" The group of boys ran away, not wanting to deal with this mysterious man.

Once they were out of sight, the boy sighs and scratched his h/c-hair. 'Wait...h/c-hair?'

"Honey, are you okay? Sorry I arrived so late..."


"Shh!!" You covered his mouth and pulled him somewhere secluded.

"O-Oi! Wait! Are you really Y/n?"

"Yes, yes Shouta. It's me! I promise!"

Shouta looks at your e/c eyes and immediately knew it was you. Those familiar, bright orbs...

"But, why are you--"

You hummed and pursued your lips.


"Shouta, are you okay?"

"Don't tell me that I was dating a boy this whole entire ti-"

"Dumbass, no!"

-After telling Shouta about your little mess-up with Nemuri,-she made a little potion that could change someone's gender to the opposite and you managed to splash some on yourself-you both decided to test it out.

"For a girl, you really have big titties."

"O-Oi!" Aizawa covered his chest with his arms and looked away, with a light blush. "They feel weird...I'm not used with having big things in my chest. I wanna be normal again..."

[✔️] 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐚 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬Where stories live. Discover now