Chapter 32

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"Okay, so what's the plan?" Steve asked Nick.

After dealing with the Skrull who disguised himself as Thor, Agent Brand and Nick had a talk about how we are going to defeat the Skrull army. We, the Avengers, should've helped plan the plan, but considering Agent Brand has dealt with extra terrestrials before, we let it slide.

Nick faced us. "We don't exactly have it all planned out, considering the fact we have no idea when and how the Skrulls are going to attack."

"So we are going to go to the Skrulls' secret hideout on earth." Agent Brand informed. "Let's just hope the Skrulls left the information on what they are going to do there. Once you find out how the Skrulls are going to attack, you should now from there how to stop it."

"And you think we know where it is?" Clint asked.

Agent Brand folded her arms against her chest. "Oh we know where it is."

"How?" Bruce said.

Nick looked at me. "Because of Savannah."

All eyes were on me. I immediately felt naked. Tony looked shocked, but everyone else was smiling and looked happy for me.

"Why her?" Tony asked still dumbfounded.

"Savannah recently encountered a Skrull and after breaking her nose, she struck a tracking device in the Skrull's stomach and let it run off. The Skrull ran downtown to the Empire State Building to the one-hundred-and-thirteenth floor." Nick looked at me and actually smiled. "You did good, Bricks."

I looked down at my hands, mumbling a quiet "thank you."

Tony huffed. "I could've down that."

"Wait-" Clint said. "the one-hundred-and-thirteenth floor? There is no one-hundred-and-thirteenth floor, there's not even a one-hundred-and-fourth."

Nick nodded. "Go to the one-hundred-and-third floor. You'll find it there."

"When are we going in?" Steve asked.


* * *

I walked out of my room once I was ready. I let my hair loose and curly. I wore a black long-sleeve T-shirt, black jeans and my black converse. I had my pistols at my waist in it's holders.

I met my fellow teammates outside of the Helicarrier. Steve was wearing his Captain America suit and had his shield on his back. Natasha stood next to him, in her Black Widow uniform, with crossed arms. Next to her, stood Clint with his bow in hand. Bruce was there, just not in Hulk form. Tony stood in his Iron Man suit, looking bored and finally Thor. He had his hammer in his hand and his blond hair was flowing with the wind.

I walked towards them and stood next to Clint waiting for Nick and Agent Brand. "Good to have the team back, huh?" I asked my friends.

Clint smiled. "Hell yeah. I can't wait to kick some alien butts!"

I laughed. It did feel good to have the team back. Natasha is back and healed. Thor isn't a Skrull and neither is anyone is, I hope.

Nick and Agent Brand walked towards us, a few agents trailing behind them. As they were getting closer, I recognized one of the agents as Thomas. I held my breath. I have to admit, he looked very handsome. His chocolate wavy hair flapped in the wind. And his eyes could be seen from a mile away.

He caught me staring and I looked quickly away, hoping he didn't see the blush marks in my cheeks.

"Here are your earpieces." Nick grabbed them from Thomas who was holding them out and handed them to us. "Don't take them out. We need to communicate throughout this battle."

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