Chapter 28

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You're adopted. Those were the words that just came of my mom's mouth. Wait, is she really my mom? No, of course she is, she raised me since I was born, right? And . . . is he really me dad? He helped me with my homework when I was in first grade, and taught me how to pitch, and . . .

"You're adopted, honey." My mom had tears in her eyes.

"I-I'm adopted?" I repeated. "But . . . that can't be. This is a joke, isn't it?"

Nobody answered. I looked to my dad, who wasn't crying but had a sad and guilty expression on his face. "Dad, you won't lie to me. I'm not . . . adopted, am I?"

He nodded. "You are, sweetie."

Tears were threatening to spill, but I didn't let them to. I'm not weak anymore. "Tell me everything." I said quietly.

"But, you-"

"TELL ME!" I shouted. I never shouted at my parents, but these people might not be my actual parents.

My mom and dad glanced at each other, their eyes having their own conversation. Then they looked back at me and my mom started, "Nineteen years ago, you were born, accidentally-" My heart sank down like a rock inside my stomach, "-Your real parents didn't want to have a child, so they sent you away. One day, on January 5, 1995, a man named Phil Coulson brought you to our doorstep.

"We were shocked to be given this opportunity, but we took it, once we found out that we are 6th cousins. I know, that's not really family, but we were your only family left. All of your other family either died or is very good at hiding, because they couldn't be tracked anywhere. We may not be your parents, honey, but we do love you, so very much."

My mom was full out crying now. My dad was even tearing up. 6th cousins? Accidentally born? Phil Coulson? My family . . . dead?

I lost my balance and fell back into a nearby chair. I let out a weird sound. I gave up trying to hide my tears; I put my head in my hands and just started to sob uncontrollably.

My 'parents' ran over and put their arms around me, trying to comfort me, but it wasn't working. Why is today such bad luck? What did I ever do to deserve this? Finding out about the real me, Natasha dying . . .

When I stopped sobbing (I didn't stop crying, though) I looked up and asked so quietly I didn't think they heard me, "Where are my parents?"

Nadia (my mom's name) and Alan (my dad's name) looked at Nick (who, to be honest, I totally forgot was here). Nick looked at me with sadness.

He sighed. "Your father died one night in a bar, but I don't want to go into details. Your mother, however, is still alive."

I felt sad that my real father died and that I will never see him, but my heart filled with relief that my real mother is alive.

"Where is she?" I asked with hope that I might be able to see her, and I felt bad for Nadia and Alan who were standing next to me like I didn't care about them anymore.

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. You might leave to find her and-"

"Yes, I will!" I said.

"And we need you on this team." Nick continued as if they were no interruption.

"No you don't." I said quietly, hoping he didn't hear me.

"Excuse me?"

"You don't need me. Nobody does. My father is dead, like you said, my mother didn't want me. I don't have real parents, Thomas dosen't talk to me anymore, Tony dosen't want me to be here, Natasha is dying-" I totally forgot I was supposed to keep that a secret, but at the moment I didn't care to try and take it back "-God, I'm a nobody. I don't know why you chose me and not Thomas. Nobody needs me, nobody cares about me, nobody loves me! I don't even know why I'm here, I'm useless! I just wish I would DIE!"

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