Chapter 21

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We had to get the Helicarrier back. That was the plan. Nick and Hill has to get to the control room, which was going to be pretty easy because it's just a room away. But there are hundreds of Skrulls on the Helicarrier, so it's going to be hard to fight them all. We are going to fight as a team, so it'll be easier then to fight them all alone.

Thor still hasn't shown up yet. He's probably still wandering somewhere, but as soon as the alarm goes off, he'll know to fight. The only thing is, Thor dosen't know the secret word. And Thomas. . . he has to go with Nick. He can walk, but he gets dizzy the minute he stands up. He just has to be careful not to get hurt more than he already is.

We have to split up, half on one side of the ship on the others on the other side. There's six Avengers, not including Thor,--Me, Bruce, Clint, Tony, Steve and Natasha. So three will stay on this side of the Helicarrier, and the other three will have to make their way to the other side and start fighting.

The pairings are--Me, Natasha and Clint. We stay here, on this side. Bruce, Steve and Tony go to the other side. We put earpieces in our ears, we say our goodbyes, and then we all take our separate ways.

When Natasha, Clint and I walk out the room, we see Bruce, Steve and Tony run. Tony needs his suit, and Steve needs his shield. Once, they start running, an alarm goes off. And that's our signal. To fight.

Five Skrulls come running towards us, guns in their green alien hands. Clint immediately starts shooting arrows, Natasha punches and kicks, and I use my guns. I'm still a little beat down by that Skrull that I fought earlier. These guns actually comes in handy. I thought it would be useless, but right now, while I can't fight, they are very helpful. I pull the trigger and the bullet flies straight through the Skrull's chest and it falls on the ground, dead.

We keep fighting, no matter how tired we are, we have to fight, before the Skrulls take over our planet.


Two hours. That's how long we've been fighting. And there are still more Skrulls to come. We are beat down, tired, restless. But we keep going. Until there are no more Skrulls alive on this ship.

A lot happened in these two hours. Thor finally showed up. He fought with us, so we know he's on our side. Hulk came, he started smashing his way through Skrulls. It is very helpful. And very enjoyable to see in person. Nick has control over the Helicarrier, but there are still Skrulls roaming around. Hill joined us. Thomas is still hurt, and right now unconscious, he can't read minds because of his head wound. He told me once, that he can attack with his power, but of course he can't now.

Right now, I'm fighting with Iron Man, and Hawkeye. Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, Hill and Thor are somewhere, fighting.

A Skrull comes charging at me. He pulls the trigger on his gun, but I quickly duck. I stand up and kick him square in the face. I pulled out my gun, and shot him, just to make sure he's gone. I have an uncomfortable feeling when I kill Skrulls. They are alien, not human of course, but still, it feels wrong. But I have to do this, for Earth.

"God, I need a break." Hawkeye complains as he shoots an arrow through a Skrulls brain.

"Aw, come on. We're just getting started." I say with a smirk.

He laughs, "I thought we started two hours ago."

"If you stop now, your gonna miss all the fun." Stark says. "'Cause Hulks gonna smash now."

Just then, on cue, Hulk comes smashing his way to us. He grabs a Skrull and throws the alien across the hall. Two Skrulls lunge towards him but Hulk grabs both of them and smash them together, like putting two breads together to make a sandwich. Stark laughs, and Hawkeye claps.

"Definitely didn't want to miss that." Hawkeye says.

Stark opens his mouth to say something but a scream cuts him off. It was a women's scream, and it definitely sounded familiar. I run towards the sound where I heard it. It wasn't far, just a few hundred feet away from where I and the others were fighting. I found my way to where the scream came from. I was in a trashed room. Everything here was broken. And I saw a redhead laying on the ground, holding the middle of her stomach. I looked down and saw red coming out from her right leg. My mouth opened, but I couldn't say anything. I just stared at her. My friend, my teammate.

She looked at me. She didn't smile or say anything. She just stared at me. But I couldn't do anything either. I was paralyzed. Clint, Tony and Hulk came in after me. Hulk shrank down to regular size, after seeing Natasha on the floor. Tony's Iron Man mask flipped open, so he could get a good look at her. Clint was on the verge of tears. And that's when Steve came in. He looked at her, and she looked at him. Steve rushed over to her side and held her in his arms.

"Nat. . ." Steve whispered.

She smiled, but Steve didn't smile back, which made her smile flip.

"Nat, stay with me. Your okay, your okay." Steve said.

She didn't reply. She just kept staring at Steve. Steve was crying, and Natasha wiped the tears away.

"Don't cry, Steve." She whispered. "Please, don't cry."

But that only made him cry more. "I'm sorry. I wasn't here. I could've protected you."

Natasha shook her head. "Don't say that. It was my fault. You shouldn't be sorry."


"Steve. . ." And that shut him up. His tears fell on Natasha's face, but she didn't care.

She put a hand on Steve's cheek. "Steve, I-" She didn't finish. Her eyes closed and her head rolled to the side. Steve's eyes widened and tears were streaming down his face.

"Nat?" He said, shaking her, "Natasha! Natasha, please! Don't leave! Don't leave me!"

"NATASHA!" He was now shouting. His voice echoed throughout the halls. "NO! Wake up! Natasha wake up!!"

Nobody said anything or moved. "NATASHA! WAKE UP!" He was crying so hard, and his head was on her chest.

I heard him whisper something, but I couldn't quite catch it. It sounded like, "I need you."

I felt like crying, and I actually shed a tear or two. Steve looked up at me. "Your a doctor! Do something!" He shouted at me.

I blinked a few times before walking over to Natasha placing a finger under her nose. I felt soft breathes. "She's alive, but barely."

Steve was still sobbing. Then, we heard Nicks voice in our ears, "The Skrulls are gone. It looked like they teleported or something. Meet me in the control room. Thor is here with me."

"I'll get her to the aid room." Stark said sadly before he picked up Natasha carefully and flies away. Steve chased after him. The rest of us, went to the control room, where Nick and Thor awaits the terrible news.

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