Chapter 9

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We all sat in silence. Nobody moved, or spoke. It was dead silent after watching that video of S.W.O.R.D being attacked by Skrulls. Hearing Agent Brand scream scared me. What happened to her? Did she die or just got hurt? Nick then interrupted my thoughts.

"We don't know if there are any survivors after the attack. Nobody had the chance to go into space to check."

"Why don't you send someone to find out?" Bruce asked.

"Because we don't know if the Skrulls are still at S.W.O.R.D's headquarters. I don't want to risk one of my agents getting killed." Nick replied.

"So what do we do now?" Steve asked.

"Nothing right now. I have some agents making a device to track down the Skrulls. When they are done, you are going down to the city to search for any signs of Skrulls." Nick said.

"Why the city? They can be anywhere on the planet, and we have to search the city?" Natasha asked.

"Because someone spotted a Skrull in the city. So we're most likely to search there." Nick answered.

"Okay, are we done here? I have to meet Pepper soon." Stark said impatiely to get this done.

"Not quite," Nick started. "We have to come up with a name for Savannah."

I raised my eyebrow. "Why?" I asked.

Stark rolled his eyes. "Oh come on. That's a stupid question to ask. Every superhero has to have a name. Since your an Avenger now, you have to have a name for yourself."

"Okay, how 'bout Savannah Bricks? I like that one." I say.

Everyone sighed. "Well I'm sorry, I'm not that creative."

"Mystic?" Steve suggested.

I shook my head. "Well, what are you good at?" Natasha asked me.

"Like I said before, I can fight, I'm a hacker and training to be a doctor." I told her.

"Doctor Bricks." Stark said smiling.

"I think that'll be my name when I'm an official doctor, Stark." I said. "And aren't you supposed to keep your identity a secret?"

"Everyone knows Tony Stark is Iron Man." Stark said.

"I do not need a secret identity." Thor said.

"I still don't like the name." I said.

"How 'bout a name that has to do with computers, because, you know, your a hacker?" Clint says.

"Chip." Bruce said. Stark laughed.

"Nah." I replied.


"I got it!" Natasha yelled, making everyone jump.

"What is it?" Thor asked.

"Terabyte." She said.

Terabyte. That sounds good. "Hey, I like it." I said.

"I also like the name." Thor said. Steve nodded in saying he likes it.

Stark shrugged. "It's definitely better than Chip." He said with a chuckle.

Bruce frowned. Nick clapped his hands. "Okay then, it's settled. Savannah Bricks, you are now Terabyte." He said.

"Okay, now that's done, I have to go get ready and buy something for Pepper other than dinner since I'm late." Stark announced and walked out the room.

"Romanoff, show Savannah her room. I will call you when my agents are done making the device." Nick said.

Natasha nodded and walked out of the room, with me behind her. I am now officially an Avenger.

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