Chapter 18

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My goal was to go to the main room to meet up with Steve, Bruce, Tony, and Clint. There're Skrulls everywhere. It'll be pretty easy to get past them for me 'cause I have the invisibility device, but for the guys? I'm very worried for them. Especially Stark. He can't shut up for two minutes if his life depended on it.

I started to head to the main room about half an hour ago. I almost ran into two Skrulls, but luckily I dodged them. I'm almost there. Just a few more hallways to go. I think. I'm not very used to the Helicarrier yet.

I was walking down a hallway when I felt my phone vibrate. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and checked it. It was from Tony. It read:

Tony: I don't think we can make it to the main room, Tera. There's too many Skrulls. We can't get past all of them.

Me: Where are you now?

Tony: We're in a closet full of S.H.I.E.L.D's uniforms.

And then I got an idea.

Me: Put the uniforms on.

Tony: Why?

Me: Just put them on. Then I'll tell you what to do.

Tony: Alright.

Suddenly, I walked into something. Or, something walked into me. When I got the text, I didn't realize I stopped in the middle of the hallway. I looked up from my phone and saw a Skrull right in front of me. It reached it's hand out and touched the top of my head. Oh no.

I took a step back which made the Skrull's arm drop. Then it took it's gun out. It aimed at me, even though it couldn't see me. And then it pulled the trigger. I moved to the right before the bullet can touch me. I sighed in relief.

I looked around. All the Skrulls were staring at the one that touched me. They all looked like it had gone crazy. And then one of them spoke.

"What are you doing?"

"I...I felt something. Right in front of me." It said confused.

"There's nothing there. You couldn't possibly felt something."

"I did! I'm not crazy. There's someone there." It defended.

One of them laughed. "Impossible! No human can get passed the Skrulls!"

I ran quietly away before anything happened to me. And then I got a text. This time, I made sure I wasn't in the middle of the hallway. I hid behind a desk.

Tony: Okay, we put them on. This better help us to the main room.

Me: Press the button on the shoulder pad. It'll help you a lot. See you at the main room.

I put my phone away and continued running to get to the main room. Hopefully, I or the guys won't get caught.


There it is. The main room. Just a few feet away. I made it. Well, not yet exactly. There's three Skrulls guarding the entrance. Crap! I'm getting tired of seeing Skrulls.

I look around the area and I spot a room. I walk quietly to it and slowly open the door so it makes a creaking sound. The three Skrulls look in my direction and see the door magically opening itself. They all walk over to it and walk inside the room. I quickly walk inside too and shut the door.

The three jerk their heads to the door. Before they can walk over to it, I punch one of them hard in the face. It drops the gun and holds it's face. The others are just standing there, paralyzed. I kicked one of them in the shins. It drops it's gun and holds it's leg.

The last one is looking around for the person who just beat up two Skrulls. I quickly grab my gun ready to shoot him, but then remember it'll make a sound and that'll draw attention. I put my gun back against my thigh. I crouch down to the floor and did a swoop kick. My leg hits the Skrull and it falls down on the ground.

I get on top of it and punch it's face rapidly. I keep punching and punching until I feel something push me off of the Skrull. The one I punched when I first came in, was the one that pushed me. It's face was bloody and bruised. I then realized I wasn't invisible anymore. I looked over to where I was pushed off and he was unconscious. Good, one down, two more to go.

I got up from the ground while one of the Skrulls picked up its gun, ready to shoot me. No! I can't let them draw attention! I ran to it and jumped on top of the Skrull. It wasn't expecting this, so we both fell on the floor. I grabbed it's gun and threw it across the room to the Skrull that I kicked. The gun hit him hard in the head and he fell unconscious.

The Skrull that had picked up the gun punched me in the nose. I fell backwards on the floor. Before I could get up, the Skrull kicked me in the stomach. I groaned. Then it kicked me again and again and again. I was now coughing up blood.

Then it kicked me in the face. This Skrull was too strong. I couldn't take much more of it. But I had to get to the main room. So with all my strength, I got up from the floor and ran towards the Skrull which had just picked up the gun. I punched it in the head. It bent over and I bent my knee and kicked the Skrull in the stomach. I did it again.

It fell on the ground and it looked almost unconscious. I punched it one last time and then it didn't move again. I opened up a closet and with the rest of my strength, I pulled the three unconscious Skrulls into it. They didn't all fit, so I put one in the closet, one in another closet and one in the shower in the bathroom. I grabbed some paper towels and cleaned up the blood and any other evidence that indicated there was a fight here.

When the room looked unharmed, I pressed the button on my shoulder pad and left the room quietly. What I really wanted to do was lay on a bed and sleep for days. That Skrull really messed me up. But I couldn't do that now. I had to get to the guys. Thankfully, there was no Skrulls guarding the entrance to the main room.

I walked inside the main room. There was Skrulls everywhere. I looked for a hiding spot where nobody could find me and so about ten people could fit in it. 'Cause I'm not going to be the only one in there. Then I spotted a big room. I walked over to it and a female voice asked me, "State your identification."

I looked around to see if no Skrulls were looking. Then I turned back and whispered, "Savannah Bricks."

"Savannah Bricks aka Terabyte. An agent of S.H.I.E.L.D and an Avenger. Please enter." The voice said.

Then, the door opened. I ran inside quickly and shut the door quietly behind me. I sighed in relief while leaning against the door. I looked around at my surroundings. I was in a room with a large rectangular table and chairs. There was also a bathroom. Before being sure I'm safe, I checked every inch of the room to make sure there was no Skrulls. Nothing.

I sat in a chair and sighed in relief. I made it. I'm safe now. Now all I have to do is wait for the others. I hope they are okay.

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