Chapter 26

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When I wake up, I see nothing but darkness. I look to my right and my alarm clock reads: 2:00 A.M. I groan and turn on my side, trying to fall back asleep. But for some reason, I can't sleep. There is one thing in my mind keeping me awake: Natasha.

It's been a week and a half since Natasha was poisoned. And quite frankly, I haven't been focused lately. She's the only thing drilled into my head. And I can't get her out. She haunts my nightmares, morning and night.

Now I know how Steve feels. I know he loves her in some sort of way, and if something terrible happened to someone I love, I'll probably be in the same problem. But just the thought, of Natasha being poisoned. Why did the Skrulls want to poison her, let alone anyone? Is it part of their evil plan? Is so, why her? Why Nat?

Why couldn't it be me? I'm the new one, here. If I were poisoned, or worse died, then nobody would care. Yeah, they'll be sad, but they'll eventually get over it in a few days. Natasha has been an Avenger for god knows how long. I've been an Avenger for almost three months, not even a year. They can just bring in someone else to replace me, like Thomas. He'd be better at being a superhero than me any day.

I still don't know why Nick chose me. Why me, of all people? I can do absolutely nothing. Yeah, I can punch, and kick, and whatever. Anybody can do that. But me? Me? I'm a nobody. I couldn't do anything to save the world. The only reason why I'm in this mess is because I don't want to be in jail. But now that I have experience with the Skrulls, I have business to deal with them. I need to defend this planet. My planet. The Skrulls have no right here, they don't belong here. Humans have no right to be ruled.

Someone like Natasha has experience with aliens. She has to fight, not me. She has to fight beside the Avengers, not me. She has experience being a good guy, not me. I was in jail for crying out loud. Sure, I didn't do anything. But I bet if I were Natasha, I would've gotten out of that.

And that's why I have to do what I have to do.

I got out of bed and grabbed all my belongings and put it in one bag. I took off my uniform and put a hoodie, jeans and sneakers on. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder and with one last look at my now clean room, I left.

I walked silently down the hallway, making sure not to wake anyone up.

As I walked, a little tiny piece of me felt guilt and regret, and I felt a little pain in my side. Like it's telling me to go back. And to not leave them. Natasha, Steve, Thor, Bruce, Tony, Clint, Nick, Thomas . . .

My eyes glistened with tears but I blinked them away. It's not like they'll mess me anyway, let alone notice I'm gone. I don't do anything for the team. I just ruin everything. I can't even get an apartment without having to threaten somebody.

When I got out onto the Helicarrier, (which was already parked at a dock, invisible) I just stood there. I couldn't move. It was like I was paralyzed with regret.

The wind whirled passed me, and I swear it was almost as if the wind was telling me to leave. To never come back. But inside, my body was telling me to go back. I was so confused. What was I supposed to do?

What am I going to do?

Just then, I felt an arm grab me and I spun around and grabbed my gun (which I kept) and aimed it at the person.

Thomas put his hands up in the air. "Whoa, easy. It's just me,"

I breathed heavily and put my gun back. A part of me was relieved he was here, to convince me to come back. But the other part of me cursed him for catching me.

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. But he broke the silence. "Going anywhere," he asked.

I gulped. "Just came out for a walk, and some f-fresh air."

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