Chapter 15

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We all walked out of the large empty white room, into the hallway. It was quiet, nobody said anything.

"Well that was fun." I said breaking the silence.

"At least we got some answers." Nick said.

"But what did it mean by today was a good day?" Natasha asked. "Do you think something's going to happen?"

"I don't know but I sure hope not." Nick replied.

"So, what if something does happen? What do we do?" I ask.

"Hello? We're superheroes, we fight, take the Skrulls down." Stark says before Nick could answer my question. "You have a lot to learn, Tera." He says before walking away.

I roll my eyes, glad that he left this conversation.

"Romanoff, go warn the others to suit up if anything does happen. At least we'll be ready." Nick ordered.

Natasha nodded and ran off. "What about me?" I ask.

"Come with me." Nick said walking away. I followed him.


We walked into a room with a sign that read, "Weapon Room" on the door. I didn't know exactly why we were coming in here, but I hoped it was so I get some guns.

I followed Nick to this small section in the corner of the room. He looked for something on the shelf and picked up two guns. The same ones Natasha uses. I really am another one of Natasha.

He handed me the guns and I took them. I looked at them like a greedy kid who didn't get their video games for Christmas.

"Umm..." I started still looking at the guns.

"Is there a problem?" Nick asked. "'Cause if you don't want them, you can go fight with just your arms and legs. You don't have to have some weapons."

"There's no point in arguing, is there?" I asked finally looked at Nick.

"Nope." I sighed while Nick handed me gun holders. I put them on my waist and put the guns in, not accepting the fact that these small guns will come in handy.

"What now?" I ask him.

"Wait." Was all he said before walking out of the room.

Wait? Just wait? What if there's nothing to wait for?


There I was. Waiting. In a room with my teammates. And Thomas. I was sitting next to him. Natasha was sitting in between Steve and Clint. Bruce was standing in the corner. Thor was also standing next to the table. And Stark, wasn't here. Thank heaven.

Nick told us to wait together. Thomas wasn't supposed to be there, but I convinced him to come wait with me. There's an exit door in case something big happens in the city. But the thing is, we have to jump. I have a terrible fear of heights. So I'm hoping nothing happens.

We had nothing to do, so we decided to get to know each other. Well, really just me and Thomas. Thomas told them he was a mutant and can read minds. They didn't believe him so he had to prove it. He did.

I actually learned a lot about Thomas while we were here. His dad passed away when he was 2 months old. So he really didn't know him. And his mother. Thomas didn't tell them that he murdered her. He just told them that she died in a car accident. And he had two brothers which he hasn't seen since he went to jail. It sounds like he's alone, but he's not anymore. He has everyone here on the Helicarrier and me.

Then, Stark came in. He smiled and waved. "Hey, everyone."

Nobody said anything to him. He didn't mind though. Probably used to it. He sat down next to me and looked at me, then winked. I rolled my eyes.

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