Chapter 31

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"Natasha's cured."

Those are the words that had just came out of Bruce's mouth. At first I thought he was joking around, but who would joke around about this? My heart rose and I felt so happy. I felt happy that I was happy because I haven't been very happy these days. First my fight with Thomas, then the talk about me being adopted, and then my nose breaking . . .

"Uh, Savannah?" Bruce's voice interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Huh, what?"

Bruce smiled. "I said Na-"

"I know what you said!" I stood up practically jumping around with excitement. Natasha's cured, I'll have my friend back, we'll be a regular team again, and oh gosh . . . Steve. He'll be so happy-

"Wait-" I stopped myself. "How exactly is she cured? I thought you said it would take a month or two to get the cure."

"Yes, I said that," Bruce nodded. "But I knew that if I didn't find a cure for Natasha, Steve would kill me. So I worked day and night, all day long and eventually, a few hours before you woke up, I found it. Another antidote. I had to send Steve to go on a mission in order to get it, but he did it. It was the only other antidote for this poison and the only one of its kind, but luckily, Steve was so anxious to have Natasha back, he did it with no problem. She'll be waking up in a few hours or so, but she'll be having some emotional symptoms."

I felt the corners of my mouth rise and jumped up and down. "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy, I could kiss you right now!"

"Oh, I'm sure you wouldn't want that Brucie." said a voice behind us. "You'll get cooties for sure."

I scrunched my nose in disgust. "Tony . . . how nice of you to join us."

Tony stood at the doorframe, a beer at hand. He smiled and tilted his head. "Oh why thank you for welcoming me, Tera." He bowed and held up his non-existent dress in the process.

I put my hands on my hips. "You do know what sarcasm is, don't you Mr. Genius?"

"Of course I do, Tera." He said walking inside the lab and sitting beside Natasha. "Sarcasm is my second language. I'm the master at it."

"You're obviously the master at everything." Bruce muttered, precisely annoyed since Tony came inside.

"Heard that big man." Tony said. "And yes, I am."

"Well you obviously skipped kindergarten if you still believe in cooties." I joked. "Let me guess, you still believe in Santa Claus?"

Tony's eyes widened. "Santa Claus i-isn't r-r-real?" he said mimicking a three-year old's voice and rubbed his eyes with his fist.

I couldn't help but laugh. Bruce even cracked a smile.

"So," said Tony. "What's with all the excitement?"

I looked at Bruce. He should be the one to break the news. "Well . . . Natasha's cured."

Tony dropped his beer and it smashed on the floor. "You're kidding, right?"

"Why would I kid about something like this, Tony?" Bruce asked tilting his head.

Tony suddenly ran out of the lab and I didn't think he would come back, until a minute or two, he did with Steve, Clint, and Thor at his side.

"Is it true?" Steve stepped forward with hope in his eyes.

Bruce nodded. Steve gulped nervously, but we can all tell he was trying to hide his excitement. He slowly walked over to Natasha and grabbed her pale hand. Clint sat on her bed, a wide smile on his face. Thor just stood there awkwardly.

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