Chapter 3

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The cops gave me an orange jumpsuit and waited outside the bathroom for me to change. When I got inside, I felt like vomiting. There was a bucket and a faucet. A bunch of flies flew in circles above the bucket that was used to hold...I don't even want to think of it. I went to the bathroom, washed my hands and then changed into the ugly jumpsuit.

Orange is not my color, I thought. I came out and the cops escorted me to my cell. While we were walking, I looked around at the other cells. These people are disgusting. There was one man looking at me like I was a meal, a man staring at the wall, drooling - probably hasn't slept in days.

When we finally got to my cell, I noticed a gigantic cell made out of stone. It was bigger than our cells. It was a few feet away from mine.

"What's that over there?" I asked the two cops curiously.

"You don't need to know." One of them said. The other one opened my cell.

"Get in." He said, but I wasn't listening, I was staring at the big stone cell. "Get in." He repeated at me, but I still wasn't listening. He sighed in frustration and pushed me in. I fell on the floor and looked at them while they locked my cell.

"That wasn't necessary, pushing someone in like that." They ignored me and walked away from my cell. I rolled my eyes. "Rude."

I looked around my cell. It was just like any other one. A bucket in the corner, a wooden bunk bed - which did not look like it could actually hold two people - and a window in the back that was sealed shut, preventing any one of these lunatics from breaking out. I sat on the bottom part of the bunk bed. Some other cells had two people instead of one.

Good thing I'm alone, I don't want a crazy person in here with me, I thought. Not that there aren't any crazy people here.

"Not everyone here is crazy, you know." I heard a voice say.

"Who is that?" I asked.

Who am I talking to? There's nobody I'm talking to, just my imagination.

"It's not you imagination." The voice said.

I looked around my cell. Nobody was here.

"What the hell is this? Some kinda joke?"

"Look to the cell in front of you." The voice replied.

I did so. I saw a man there. He was holding the bars and his head against it. He had brown messy hair with blue sparkly eyes. He was about my age, maybe a little older. Other than his beautiful eyes, he looked dirty.

Duh, there's no showers here.

"Actually, there are. But we only get to shower once a month." The man said.

I got off my bed and sat right behind the bars of my cell.

"Who are you?" I asked the man.

"My name is Thomas." He said. "Thomas Hutson."

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"You just did." He said laughing.

I rolled my eyes. "It's been a while since I laughed. It feels good." Thomas said ending his laughter. "But yes, go ahead."

"How did you know what was thinking? Did I say it aloud without me knowing it?" I asked.

Thomas hesitated. I wonder what he was thinking about.

All of a sudden, there was that voice in my head again, Thomas' voice. I'm a mutant, he said.

I look at him raising an eyebrow. "A mutant?"

He shushed me, and I quieted. But then he nodded, answering my question.

"I don't know about that," I said. "You could be just a really good magician. How do I know you're not lying?"

"Let's try this. Think about something, anything. Tell me when you're ready."

After thinking about what to think, I tell him I'm ready. Thomas stares at me for a little and then speaks, "You're thinking about how you don't deserve to be here, that you didn't do what the cops think you did."

My eyes widen. "H-How-"

I told you, I'm a mutant. I can read minds, Thomas explains in my head once again.

"How d-did you-" I start.

"How did I get here?" I nod still fascinated at his power to read minds.

Well, when I got my powers, all the thoughts of the people around me were in my head. It gave me massive headaches. I couldn't take it anymore. I went a little crazy and I- he stopped short, looking at the floor.

"It's alright Thomas, you don't have to tell me." He shakes his head.

"No, no I'll tell you." He said aloud this time, then went back to speaking in my head.

I-I murdered someone.

I wanted to cover my mouth, but I didn't. I felt bad and I didn't want to make him feel hurt.

Thomas continued, It was my mother. I killed my own mother.

I could've sworn I saw his eyes tear up but he blinked and they vanished. I wish I was there, to comfort him.

"It's alright, it's ok Tom," then I stopped. "Can I call you Tom?"

He nods. Then he continues his story. Anyway, when they took me here, I learned how to control my powers. Now, I don't have everyone's thoughts in my head unless I want to listen to them. I was here for 7 years.

"How old are you?" I ask him.

"21," Thomas says.

I did the math in my head. He was 14 years old when he...killed his mother. He was only just a kid. I couldn't imagine going through something like that.

I suddenly thought of something weird, and I was about to ask him aloud but spoke in my head instead, hoping Thomas would hear it.

If you're...a mutant, I began, then shouldn't you be in a specialized prison?

He nods. That's the thing...they don't know that. That's why I didn't talk about my powers out loud.

Then why would you tell me about them? I asked. We just met. You don't even know my name.

Thomas shrugged. "There's something...special about you. I can feel it."

Something about him telling me that out loud gave me a weird feeling.

I cleared my throat, deciding to tell him about me now. "Well, my name is Savannah. I'm 19 years old. I live - well, used to live - a few blocks from here."

"How did you get here?" Thomas asked.

"I saw a someone robbing a store and I stopped him. When the cops came, they saw the bag of jewels the guy stole in my hand and the robber unconscious and they thought I was the one who stole it." I say.

"That's messed up."

"Yeah, it is."

"Well, you don't have to worry. At least you have one friend here." He says and smiles.

I smile back. Then I yawn. "Well, it's getting kind of late. Goodnight Tom. See you in the morning."

" 'Night Savannah." He says getting up to bed. I do the same. I stare at the bottom of the top bed and think about how my new friend. At least one good thing came out of going to jail.

*Edited: 7/16/16

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