Chapter 12

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I followed Natasha. I don't know where we are going. I know we are going to the city, but how? The Helicarrier is still up in the air.

"Hey, Natasha?"

"Hmm?" She replies still walking.

"How are we going to the city?" I ask.

"The Helicarrier is dropping us off at the dock where you and Thomas came aboard. It's invisible so others can't see." She says.

I nod even though she dosen't see me. Thomas. I forgot to say goodbye to him. We're not going on a dangerous mission, but I still wanna say goodbye.

"Can I say goodbye to Thomas before we go?" I ask Natasha.

"We're going to get something from him anyway." She says.

"What are we getting?" I ask.

"Earpieces, so we can talk to the others." She replies.


We walk to the 'Exit' sign in the Helicarrier and that's when the door open. It drops to the dock and Natasha and I walk out. We meet the rest of the team and Thomas and a few other agents there. Tony is in his Iron Man suit, it's pretty cool to see in person. I smile when I see Thomas and he smiles back.

"Okay, so here are your earpieces." One of the agents say as he hands each of us our own earpiece.

We take it and put it in our ear except for Stark, of course. He probably had one built in his suit. The agents tell us good luck and leave. Thomas comes to me and hugs me. I hug him back.

"Good luck. And try not to do anything to get yourself in jail, again." He says smiling as he let's go.

"Okay." I say.

He smiles one last time and walks away. I watch him disappear into the Helicarrier, which I can't see. Then, suddenly, I hear someone familiar speak in my ear.

'Okay Avengers, split up with your partners. If you need help, just talk to me, I can hear everything you say. Good luck.' Nick says and then his voice goes away.

"Bye guys. See ya later." Iron Man says as he shoots into the sky.

"Show off." Clint mumbles.

"Good luck, guys." Bruce says as he runs off with Hawkeye.

I wave at Steve and Thor and start to run. When I don't hear footsteps behind me, I look back. I see Natasha and Steve hug. It feels like a minute, but it's only seconds. When they finally break up, Natasha catches up with me while Steve runs off and Thor flying up over him. The Avengers have taken their separate ways.

"Come on!" I say to Natasha waving my hand.

She and I run off the dock and into Manhattan. "Okay, take out the trackers." Natasha says as she takes her tracker out.

I do the same. We both pretend the text. "Where do we go?" I ask her.

She looks up from her "phone" and turns her head side to side. "Umm, just follow me." She says.

She starts to walk forward. I follow her. We bump into some people because we keep looking up and down from the trackers. "Sorry," we keep mumbling. They keep giving us dirty looks.

We turn right, left, forward, and even turn back around sometimes. Does Natasha know where she's going?

"Hey, Natasha? Do you know where your going?" I ask.

"I think so..." She says as she bites her lip. "I don't really go to Manhattan that often."

"So, we're lost?" I ask her.

"Not exactly. We're just searching the area, there's not a specific place to go. So no, we aren't lost." She says.

"Okay." Is all I say.

I look back at the tracker. Nothing. No lights flashing, no vibrating, nothing. I have a feeling we're going to be here for a while.


We've been searching for the Skrulls for hours. Rather, 3 hours, 5 minutes and 27 seconds. The others haven't found anything either. Our feet, soles, and legs hurt. We haven't eaten, or drank anything. I keep asking Nick if we can stop and eat at a pizzeria, but he dosen't approve.

"I'm soooo hungry! And my feet hurt!" I complain like a 5 year old.

"Oh, really? I haven't noticed." Natasha says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes. I touch my forehead and realize I'm sweating. A lot! "Nick, can I just go inside and get one slice-"

'No! And stop asking! I'm not gonna change my mind!' He shouts.

I sigh and then I hear crunching. From the earpiece. "Nick," I ask.

'Mmm?' He says and then clears his throat. 'Yes?'

"Are you eating something?" I ask.

There's a long pause. 'No, I'm not.'

'LIAR!' Tony shouts, surprising me. I forgot we can speak to each other besides Nick.

'Well I'm sorry, but I'm hungry.' He defends.

"SO ARE WE!!" We all shout to him.

He groans. 'Fine! I'll stop eating.'

We don't talk for awhile. I'm about to say something to break the silence when I hear vibrating. Vibrating! I look down at the tracked and see a yellow light flashing.

"Oh my god!" I shout.

Natasha must've seen it too because she mumbles, "Finally!"

"Nick! We see a yellow light!" I squeal. That was weird, I don't usually squeal.

'Then keep walking until you see a green light!' He says.

Natasha and I decided to split up to see which way we get a red light to show up. I keep walking forward bumping into people and I don't bother to say sorry.

I walk, and walk and walk. Next thing you know, I'm running when I see a red light.

Flash, flash.

Faster, faster. Run faster!

That's when I bump into someone; when I see a green light. I look up slowly and see a man in a beige coat, pants and hat. The green light is flashing faster than ever. It's vibrating so much. I drop it.

I look at the man when I realize what I'm actually looking at.

A Skrull.

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