6. Runaway lovers.

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We sat awkwardly looking everywhere except at the infuriating eyes that kept staring down at us. This was getting all too familiar, I felt like a child being scolded over and over again.

After pacifying an angry mob at the beach, we were dragged to a quiet area near the beach where we are now being interrogated by Kristrin and the others. My first day of vacation and it was already going terrible from one bad luck to the next.

"Do you plan on explaining what happened outside just now?" Kristrin asked and I took a look at Steff who sat beside me. Then turned my attention once again to Kristrin.

"We were just playing around there's no reason for you to be upset," I laughed nervously.

"Ok" Was his response, one that I was very skeptical about. It was too easy and although I wanted it to this easy, it was impossible considering this was Kristrin we were talking about.

"Wait, so you're ok with this?" I questioned him, he wasn't always this considerate. His normal response would've been to hit someone to calm his anger and need for revenge. This was very abnormal of him, and I just could not get past it.

"Of course why wouldn't I be?" It's official, I'm dead.

"No reason" Why wasn't he angry? He was now acting like a perfect gentleman.

I looked at Steff and with his facial expression, I could tell he was not buying this either. I needed to keep an eye out on Kristrin and what plan he has up his sleeves but then again, I'm the one that's supposed to be angry at him.

"Come on," Kristrin said to me.

"Where are we going?" I questioned him.

"We're going to a cave nearby, do you want to know what it's called?" 


"It's called the lover's cave, do you want to know why it's called lovers cave?" I stopped in my tracks at his response.

"Why?" I hesitantly asked.

"It is called lovers cave because it is said to have mineral spring that can make even the infertile have babies" He smirked and quickly flipped his hands off me marching back to my room.

There is no way I plan on having sex in a cave.

"I'm just playing Bella," He now stood in front of me smiling.

He was smiling...........nope I'm not buying it, he's clearly up to something. First, he was willing to easily move past what happened earlier today and then ditch everyone, now this. I just knew his deranged self would burst soon.

I narrowed my eyes at him out of suspicion trying to read his body language and facial expression to see what he was up to and there was only one thing that came to mind. He wanted to have sex. This brute.

"What part were you joking about, the part about having sex in a cave or the part about having babies Mr. infertile?" I folded my hands together.

"The part about having sex in a cave and for your information, everything's good on my end, on the other hand.........I'm a bit skeptical about you," he playfully joked, and my jaw dropped at his cunning response. This was the first time he said something so mean to me but of course, I wasn't normally on the receiving end of his insults before. So, this was a first.

He quickly ran off after his little speech and I followed quickly determined that he was going to apologize to me or face my wrath but after running so long we came up to a section which was the main entrance of the hotel.

He then grasped my hand in his and lead the way outside the main gate, next thing I knew was that I was in a cab going only god knows where.

"Where are you taking me and do you even know where we are going?" I questioned him.

"Of course, Bella relax," was his response and I decided to trust him.

"But we've left our phone back at the resort, what if they think that we're missing?" This time I was worried about my parents freaking out and calling the cops about my sudden disappearance.

"I had that taken care of there's no need to worry," He reassured me and I nodded my head with approval.

I was even more excited as I got time to spend with my boyfriend alone without any interference. Kristrin then held onto my hand pulling us out of the car as it came to a halt. 

He took me to a couple of clothing stores in which he wanted me to choose the best clothes that I liked and he also did the same for himself. We also bought a camera to take pictures as our phones had been left behind.

We then did some sightseeing together, taking loads of photos together and by this time it was almost dark so we decided to head to the next destination that he had in mind.

But this time we had stopped at another resort; another beautiful resort called the cave. It wasn't as beautiful as the last, but it was still beautiful.

I had thought it was just a cave.

After reaching reception, Kristrin confirmed his bookings which I had no idea about. He was then given his room access for two nights!

"You booked us another resort for two nights?!" I questioned him shocked.

I was sure my parents wouldn't agree to this especially my father and for two days. I looked at the bags in his hands and concluding why he had made me buy clothes here.

"As I said before, we're here to spend time together and your parents keep interrupting that, so I left with this option only," he tried to explain.

"But for two nights Kristrin, how did you manage to convince my parents of this?" This time he did not respond but continued walking.

"So your not gonna explain yourself?" he then continues to ignore me.

After reaching our room, I decided to ask him about the situation again but what caught my attention was that there was only one bed inside our room. Oh my lord. Just imagining what will happen tonight and after for the next two days made me loss for words.

My throat was now dry and needed some water, hell I felt like I was standing in a volcano and needed to take a cold shower to cool me down. I felt like my body temperature was above forty degrees and any moment now I was going to faint.

Without a doubt, I knew my face was crimson red and there was nothing I could do about it....... well maybe to hide. Definitely spending time alone together with Kristrin wasn't a good idea in the first place.

"W-we're s-sharing a bed together?" I managed to say out loud.

"Not only that but for two nights as well," Kristrin seductively whispered in my ear from behind me and I could tell without turning around he was sporting that devious smirk.

Two nights alone together, one bed and one mischievously handsome guy, what a recipe for a baby!


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Another chapter here for you all! I hoped you all enjoyed it.

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