18. Tattoos.

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Two months and a few days had already passed and I was on my way back home for Thanksgiving! School was going just the way I wanted it to and now I'll get the opportunity to see my entire family again.

I was going to be away from school and out of the sight of Sebastian who was hellbent on getting me in trouble and has ended up into multiple fight with the guys as if they were playing kill for fun.

I saw my parents waiting for me and found myself getting excited for not seeing them in such a long time.

"Momma! Daddy!" Gosh I missed them so much even though it wasn't years since I've seen them.

"How are you my baby girl?!" My parents greeted me at the airport.

"After seeing you guys I'm more than doing great!" We all headed into dad's car and drove back home all this while reminiscing about school and what I might've missed out on.

The slovac's had invited me over to ease some of the tension that was brewing between Kristrin and his them. I wasn't too pleased to be in the room but I would still give it a try.

Hearing Mom say Kristrin's name had me out of my little bubble in no time.

"So I heard Kristrin has a big football game against Boston university in the coming week?" Mom asked.

"Yes he does but how did you find out that he did?" I asked, was she keeping tabs on my boyfriend?

"Kristrin and I talk almost everyday whenever he has the time and he's always over the media" She explained.

"But how was I not aware you guys talked everyday?" I lowered my gaze at her in suspicion. My parents and I talked almost everyday over the phone, including Kristrin and they didn't say a word to me about this.

Or was it any of my business?

"Well you're not gonna know everything instantly Anna and I just told you so now you know" She replied.

"So will you guys be there at his game?" I asked.

"Your mother and I are trying to put in some overtime at the hospital so we can have a little free time to make it to the game and support Kristrin. I have a few paperwork's that is needed to be done while your mother is overseeing a new set of intern's. We'll let you know if we're gonna be able to make it"

"What about you, will you be able to make it to the game hun?" Dad questioned.

"I have a quiz in the morning but I'll be free in the night so yeah, I'll be there"

After reaching home I made sure to spend some quality time with my family especially Antonio that I missed the most. Hearing the doorbell rang I quickly opened it expecting it to be Kristrin or someone I knew but found a small girl with who I assume is her mother.

Both having ginger brown hair and light brown eyes as if they were identical twins.

"Hi, you must be Anna. Antonio has mentioned you to us a lot" The lady said.


"Yes I am Anna and you are....?" I asked in a politely.

"Oh I'm Ophelia and this is my daughter Regina. We're here to see Mr and Mrs Walker?" She answered and I let her in.

Oh lord, another Regina!

"Ant!" The little girl yelled excitedly  and that's when the two hugged.

Ok, what's going on here! First thing's first, how did she get to call him Ant and he turns me down whenever I call him Ant?!

"What's going on here?" I asked Antonio in particular sweetly.

"Anna, is this is my girlfriend Regina" His shocking words shook me, this boy had only turned four years old a few months ago and now had a girlfriend!

I lowered my eyes at him, boy was I going to scold him!

"Anna before you speak we need to have a conversation with Regina and Miss Ophelia. So you can now be on your way" My mom immediately dismissed me after seeing what I was about to do.

"Bye" I smiled but not before giving Antonio a look that says 'this isn't over', unfortunately for me he was only fascinated with his now girlfriend to even notice me.

Regina seemed like a nice girl but my brother wasn't allowed to have girlfriends so soon. I wasn't going to let him get hurt so soon. His tiny heart hasn't even fully grown.

I drove my car over to Kristrin's house. I was finally going to see my boyfriend after such a long time apart from him.

The moment I wrung the door bell Kristrin opened the door and I immediately flung myself onto him with an intimate kiss. Our kiss lasted about a minute before we were broken up by the others which I didn't even know was there.

"Ahem" I knew that voice from anywhere. It was Marco.

I spun my head while still upon Kristrin to see Steff, Kyle, Maurice and Marco sitting down. Even though Kristrin and Steff were family I've never known they were this close as a matter of fact they weren't.

"Hi, everyone" I greeted them, making my way down from Kristrin.

"That was quite a display there Anna" Steff teased, trying to act embarrassed.

Unfortunately he and Grace hasn't started dating yet, I was puzzled because the connection was clearly there between the two but for some reason Steff wasn't man enough to approach her.

Or so I thought.

As I was about to hug Kristrin again a little imagine underneath his shirt caught my attention. It looked just like a.....tattoo and he had gotten a lot thicker in mass.

"Is that a....a tattoo?" I asked not knowing how to feel about it.

He had on a white long sleeve shirt so I wasn't able to see it clearly. He then took the shirt for me to see and what I saw surprised me.

Kristrin had a few tattoos, one included a phoenix tattoo across his back, a crown tattoo with the word King on top on his left shoulder to the front, more like the collarbone. One of a lion on his right shoulder and a small tattoo of an eye that looked distinctively a lot like mine.

"Wow" The tattoos looked pretty good on him but what would've lead to him getting so much tattoos all at once? Should I be surprised he hadn't told me anything about this? I didn't even know he was the tattoo type although his father was.

"What do you think?" He asked looking closely at me.

I ran my hand across his tattoos feeling the ink on his skin. How was I supposed to answer his questions?

"Well, I do love the outcome and I think it makes you look cool and hot. The tattoos are great and all but why, I didn't know you had a liking for tattoos?" I just had to ask.

Was it peer pressure? Media influence? Or because his dad had tattoos? Or was it just his idea?

As he was about to speak the door bell wrung once again. I was closest to the door so I decided to open it, revealing girl that was around my age at the door. She kept looking inside the house and disregarding my presence.

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" I asked, she was exceptionally pretty. Must be one of Kristrin relatives here for Thanksgiving.

"I'm...." Before she could finish she ran inside the house yelling Kristrin's name before latching herself unto my naked boyfriend.

I soon came to realize she was not his relative.

Hell must of turned over and let this crazy girl out but she was going back where she came by any means necessary!

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