11. Apologetic day.

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It will all be ok soon.

That's what I kept chanting as Kristrin and I made our way back to the hotel that my parents and friends stayed. It was around 12pm in the afternoon.

Although we were both eighteen and was now adults I still couldn't budge the feeling of disappointing my parents and also the fact that they might kill me.

This was not good and I wish I could go back in time and just be with Kristrin forever at the caves resort instead of facing this. I already miss those days.

While I was here fretting my ass off Kristrin on the other hand looked relaxed as if we hadn't just ran away for days without any form of communication.

Sighing, I rested my head on the seat of the car thinking about the many senarios of me getting beaten to death. It seems my sighing caught his attention as Kristrin lifted my chin with his finger and kissed my lips.

To say that didn't help a little would be a complete and utter lie. His kiss did actually distract me from what was to come.

"I had informed Kyle that we'd leave for two days, your parents were informed about this after we left, everything else should not matter, you're not a child anymore" He explained.

"So they don't expect us to be missing?" I asked the most obvious question.


"You could've at least told me about this" I immediately smacked him on the shoulder

That was surely one less thing I had to worry about.

Upon reaching the hotel, we made our way towards the elevator and then to my room putting down my belongings and quickly fetching my phone. We hadn't manage to spot anyone we knew since making our way here.

"There's twenty five missed calls on my phone and a hundred and five messages from my father" I explained to Kristrin after going through a few them.

"A hundred and one is from my father" I told him shocked.

Taking the phone from my hand, he scrolled through the text messages.

"Dude, when did you get back here?!" Maurice barged into my room, followed by Marco, Kyle and Steff.

"A few minutes ago" Kristrin answered.

"Steff!" I yelled excited to see my closest friend again.

"I hope you had enough fun for the both of us and I also forgave you for running off and leaving me here but I knew that wasn't like you so it would've definitely been that one over there" He sulked loudly at the end for Kristrin to hear.

"Such a bright boy" I pinched both of his cheeks playfully, then hugged him to my hearts content. It was always great seeing the people I loved the most again after a long while.

"Woah, can a brother get a little love too, did you not just see us walk right into this room" Marco spoke.

"Of course" I told him before hugging each.

"Bro, you could've informed us, your bestest friends that you were going away for two days with you're girlfriend, by the way...where did you guys actually go?" Marco asked.

"By the looks of Anna here and how she's blushing I'd say it was somewhere exciting" Maurice teased making me blush even more.

If only they knew.

"Alright come off it, have anyone of you seen Bella's parents around?" Kristrin asked.

"I think there strolling around on the beach, Anna your dad has been worried about you since you left, your father has pissed as fuck after finding out you and lover boy here ran off" Maurice replied.

Oh lord, this was what I didn't want to hear.

"I want to talk to them first" I spoke to Kristrin, getting ready to leave.

"Yeah, you go ahead and talk to them. We have some unfinished business with Kristrin that we'd like to resolve" Kyle spoke up after a long while of him not saying anything.

Knowing Kristrin he was the type to assert his point of view in a way that would've seem rude or arrogant. He would've also taken the blame but I needed to get my side out first before it all came tumbling down.

Leaving the room, I couldn't help but think about what they may be talking about behind my back, it was a good thing Kristrin wasn't as talkative as the others, or I'd have felt embarrassed by the fact that they knew everything that happened between us down to the tea.

"Anna!" Making my way on to the beach, I heard my name being called from behind by Brandon.

"Hi, I haven't seen you around here in a while, I've been meaning to apologize the other day for my behavior if I have offended you and your family," He said to me.

"There's no need to apologize for anything, you actually did me a favor and for that I'm grateful, I should be the one apologizing for my friends behavior the other day" I appreciated his kind gesture.

Kristrin and the others was a total dick to him for no reason what's so ever.

"Thank you, I should be getting back to work now, I'll see you around some other time" He waved before walking away.

"Bye" I waved.

I spotted my parents sunbathing and I made my way over there with a rapidly beating heart ready to burst out of my chest.

"Mom, Dad" I called for both catching there attention.

"Anna you're back!" My mom excitedly shouted hugging me tightly.

Ok, not what I had expected.

My dad on the other hand had a angry look sporting on his face.

"You have some explaining to do young lady" He addressed me.

"I'm sure you've both heard that I had been away at another resort, I apologize for not letting you guys know about this, I'll take all the punishment but I don't want you to blame Kristrin for this" I begged.

"While I do forgive you for doing something so....crazy and I know that you're an adult but I want you to communicate to us about such things. I was about to call the damn US embassy to get you back because I had thought you were missing, luckily Kyle had told us in time"

"You forgive her? She's eighteen a mere teenager!"

"Yes she's eighteen, try going to the police and let them know that you're eighteen year old went out and came back after two days and see what happens. We can only guide her into the right direction now Mr"

"But she's still my little girl"

"Hun, you might end up scaring the poor girl and she ends up going to someone else for advise, I'm trying to make her come to us first before making these decisions, a lot of teenager now tend to make stupid decisions because they are afraid to talk to there parents about certain things. Were not trying to be one of those parent" She was completely right.

I probably would've never gone to them about this knowing how they'd react.

"Thank you for understanding" I expressed my gratitude.

"Well I'm still mad at you and at that boyfriend Kristrin. He didn't even have the balls to face me about this" My dad said before hugging me tightly, tears slipped down his face and I knew it was hard for him to let me go.

"I will always be you're little girl" I told him as I hugged tightly.

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