19. Red flags.

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The kiss only lasted a few seconds as Kristrin pushed her off him. I slammed the door harshly shut making it aware I was not happy with what just happened.

"What the hell is going on here?" I lowered my gaze at the unknown girl who kept on giving Kristrin googly eyes until she finally noticed that others were inside the room.

"Kyle, Maurice, Marco and Steffon, how are you guys?" Her British accent thick.

Kristrin didn't seemed to be fazed by her kiss, but I wasn't too happy or pleased about it, I wanted an explanation right this instant.

"Oh my gosh Kristrin, you've gotten so big and are those tattoos? I love them!" She happily told him disregarding my presence and my previous statement.

What the fuck.

"Anna, let me introduce you to Elsie, one of Kristrin's childhood friend," Kyle introduced.

The others seemed to be enjoying Elsie's presence to my dismay. They kept giggling like the idiots they were, so I glared at them to shut them up which worked perfectly fine.

"Not only childhood friends but we were childhood admirers as well," She looked to Kristrin who was now looking everywhere else but at me and her.

"Oh wow, it seemed Kristrin had a crush on everyone I suppose back in his childhood years," I suggested smiling venomously at the blue-eyed female standing in the room.

Seems I wasn't the only one.

"Who are you might I ask?" She questioned curiously. That question should've been asked a long time ago.

"I was also one of Kristrin's crush in kindergarten but I'm currently his girlfriend now," I introduced myself to her proudly.

Now why would a secret admirer he hasn't seen in such a long time pop up as if it was just yesterday, they were in kindergarten and kissing my damn boyfriend.

She didn't seem to be so happy about my response to her just as I was about her presence here.

"Oh, I'm so sorry if I might've overstepped my boundaries. I was just a little excited after seeing my friend's for so long and Kristrin hadn't told me about you before," She replied.

"Hmm," I glared at Kristrin after finding this out.

Kristrin held onto my hand and pulled me along to what I remember was his room. The moment we were in it, and he shut the door close, he hugged me tightly to his chest and before we knew it, we were fully unclothed and doing what adults did in private.

But not before having him use the mouthwash to get her germs off of his mouth, I kind of found it funny.

But boy did his sex materialized into something even greater!

"I didn't know you had a few you admired at such a young age. How many more are there?" We relaxed on his bed after our passionate love making.

"That was then Bella, I only have feelings for one naughty woman in my life and she's laying naked next to me," He teased.

"Then why is she here?" I asked curiously playing with his tattoos.

"I have no idea,"

"I find that hard to believe, it seemed you two had talked before she arrived here," I raised my head to look at him.

"Bella, I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to be sincere with me," He disregarded my question.

"When have I not been sincere to you Kristrin?" I questioned him, this must be a serious question because he's never asked me to be sincere before.

"What's going on between you and Sebastian?" He asked, making me sit up and glare at him.

"What are you talking about?" He shouldn't even be asking me this question in the first place.

"I've been hearing a few gossips here and there about the two of you..... getting close," He explained.

"And where did you hear those gossips because I haven't and to think you'd ask me such baseless questions Kristrin"

"You haven't denied those accusations yet Bella."

"I just said I haven't, I have no relation what's so ever with Sebastian and I'm sure you wouldn't be having such doubts if you'd pick up your phone and call me once in a while then we wouldn't be having this conversation," I responded.

"Bella, we've discussed this before my practicing sessions takes up most of my time, there's nothing I can do about it,"

"Oh really, those videos of you on social media show's something completely different!" I didn't want to say anything but those videos of him partying and drinking with his friends who I don't know and naked females around him just after two months was definitely a concern. I didn't want to see a few months into a year from now.

"Anna, what do you expect? For us to go to church or a restaurant to go dining whenever we win a football game? It's something that has been going on for decades, I have no control over it,"

He said Anna instead of Bella. Whenever he did this, he was always angry.

I got up off the bed and headed straight for the bathroom to freshen up before leaving his room. When I got out, he was nowhere in sight.

I made my way downstairs where the others were. They were so much into Elsie that whenever I asked a question, they would ignore me to speak with her. This made me mad, so I went to the kitchen where the maid was to assist with dinner just to take my mind off things.

I decided to make cheese casserole with garlic bread while Delilah, the Slovac's maid decided to make creamy shrimp pasta, smashed potatoes, fresh vegetable salad and chocolate cake.

Kristrin's Mom and Dad wouldn't be back until late tonight from a business meeting, so we decided to eat without them.

I decided to serve the dishes as it was almost dinner time. Immediately Elsie had taken a seat beside Kristrin and the other side was taken by Marco, so I decided to sit beside Steff instead.

"I don't like this girl Elsie" I whispered to Steff; she was getting a lot of attention especially from Kristrin.

"Your just being paranoid Anna," Steff said to me before heading back to giggle at what Elsie just said.

This was it; I excused myself from the table which no one seemed to care and headed up the stairs into Kristrin's room to think about everything that's been happening.

But instead got a nice little revenge on Kristrin which made me feel a lot better, after doing so, I went back to the table to pretend as if nothing happened.

Ever since Elsie came into this house I was being ignored like a plague. Making me want to cry and leave the house and if that wasn't enough, she had to go and put the icing on the cake.

"Who on earth made this casserole?" She questioned making a disgusting face.

"I did," I responded as all the attention was on me.

She removed the dish from her sight while removing Kristrin's as well showing her distaste for my well-made food.

"I think you need a few lessons in the kitchen, don't worry I'll help you out with this very soon, the casserole isn't quite tasteful, tomorrow I'll prepare my most exquisite dish, Kristrin and the guys loved it so much when we were little,"

This was followed by a choir of 'amen'.

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