15. First day of class.

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"Annabella?" Grace called as I doubled down on a cheese sandwich to make my way to classes.

"Just call me Anna" I told her.

"Ok, could I ask you a personal questions?" She questioned adjusting her eyeglass.

"Ok, you can go right ahead and ask whatever is it you'd like to"

"How does it feel to......have a boyfriend?" She question making me choke on my sandwich. This was far off from the types of questions I had expected her to ask.

I had expected her to ask something about school work since she was mainly into that.

"Here you go" She handed me the glass of tea that I had been drinking as I was now terribly choking, after a few minutes of recovering I spoke.

"Well, I don't have much experience in terms of boyfriends, I can tell that they can be a bit hard to handle but once you find a guy that truly cares and loves you for who you are then it can be the most overwhelming and exciting feeling you'll ever feel in you're entire life. This I've experienced for a fact with my boyfriend Kristrin. We've been dating a couple months now and it's been going great" I explained to her.

"You've never had a boyfriend before?" I asked her, it was a dumb question to ask seeing as though she just asked me that particular question.

"No" She shyly answered.

"I was like that a few months ago back in highschool but then Kristrin happened. You should try it. You're young and beautiful" I suggested.

"You're lucky to find true love on your first try, I'm afraid of getting hurt so I try to stay away from boys but why did you wait so long to find a boyfriend?" She asked.

"That's the funny part about all of this, whenever a boy would talk to me they'd avoid my like plague the next day only to find out a few months ago that Kristrin was the one scaring them off. I was just lucky, I guess the whole process of love is getting hurt to find the right one, so I guess you  gotta search to find the right one" I advised her.

"I guess I'll try your advise" Grace responded.

"Yeah but remember that if you get hurt it's something you have to learn from, there's a lot that I need to teach you about boys but for now I have to go"

"Thank you" She smiled.

"You're welcome"

I immediately went to brush my teeth then waved her a goodbye before leaving the room.

Making my way to class was easy of course, I was a bit uneasy like anyone would since it was my first day after all. I made sure to find a seat in the middle, not too close or far from the back, just the way I preferred in high school.

"Is this seat taken?" Someone asked beside me, the entire room was empty with only a few students inside, just the way I preferred in highschool.

"Yes it is" I responded annoyed as I took out my books from my bag ready to begin my classes, there were so many seats inside the room.

"Hi, my name's Sebastian and you are?" He introduced himself, turning to get to introduce myself I was met with a smiling Sebastian seated next to me.

"Oh my god, what are you doing here?!" I yelled surprised to see him, there was so many universities in Boston, I didn't even bother to think he had meant Harvard.

His face was surprisingly not hurt as how I had expected it to be. I thought they would've fought to how bad the argument was.

"Well you know, I'm actually doing two major's which is becoming a orthopedic and also a professional football player" He replied surprising me.

"Not bad, it seems you have a lot of surprises up your sleeves" I responded.

"Yeah, it shocks a lot of persons when I tell them that I'm doing two major's, so how about you. What are you majoring?" He questioned.

"Well, I'm hoping to get a Master of Business Administration degree" I told him.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot you're parents owns an hospital, you're trying to follow in there footsteps which is great. The guy that gets you must be a lucky one" He replied, I nodded my head seeing where the conversation was heading.

"So I heard Kristrin has joined the Alabama state university to further his football career. After seeing you two together I'd never thought you guys could've been separated" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah, it was hard but I do believe sacrifices has to be made in order for us to grow even stronger as a couple together" It may take awhile but we'd soon be together.

Remembering what Steff had said previously I decided to pay attention to what was happening before me instead of fraternizing with my boyfriend's enemy.

Just then the class professor came in and began with a little introduction then went straight into what was expected of us, the entire course in general and then the lessons.

It was very hard to concentrate without thinking about Kristrin being with me, I use to hate high school and now I miss it so much.

Within an hour and half our class had ended and I decided I would drive my car to meet up with Steff since I had no other classes for today. Tomorrow I would have a few online classes.

"Hey Anna, do you have any classes within the next half an hour or so?" Sebastian questioned as I walked to the school's parking lot.

"No I don't but I do have somewhere I want to go, what is it?" I asked.

"I was wondering if we could catch up sometimes, starting next week we have a football match. I was hoping you could make it" He asked.

I wasn't trying to get close with Sebastian seeing as Kristrin made a lot of effort for me not to get attached to any boys, he definitely believed no one was innocent and they would always want something. He was absolutely right about Sebastian as I could clearly see.

And Kristrin and Sebastian wasn't on the bestest of relationship as they have been enemies ever since. He definitely didn't want me anywhere around him, being friends was out of the picture.

"It's best we keep our distance, you know" I told him the truth.

"Come on Anna, your friends aren't here and I'm sure just hanging out won't hurt you're relationship with Kristrin. You're an adult you can make you're own decisions" He sighed.

"I do understand that I'm my own person but my boyfriend is a reasonable person also, he's been there for me ever since and it's been going quite fine. Not because Kristrin isn't here means I'm going go do things he wouldn't like and you're currently not Kristrin's favorite person at the moment. Imagine my dilemma if I saw him with someone I told him to stay away from and for you're information, our relationship is none of you're business" His little statement had me pissed. I immediately walked away not wanting to talk to him anymore.

"Wait, I didn't mean to offend you" He held onto my hand.

"Well you did" I flashed him off, I didn't want for anyone to see us getting cozy together.

"Sorry, I only hope that we can still be friends, you can watch a few of my football games sometimes, it's just like supporting you're school's football team" He begged.

"I'll think about it" Nope that's out of the picture.

"I have football practice to get to, I'll see you around" He saluted before heading off.

I guess I didn't understand what Steff had said earlier before or else I'd have prevented everything that was about to happen hereafter.

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