2. A flight to paradise.

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"Why couldn't you have gotten a few toddlers to go on the trip with us instead or have gotten a second trip to Hawaii or something for the irrelevant ones?" I turned to ask Kristrin as we boarded the flight for our trip to Jamaica.

"It was either this or no trip at all" He tilted his head in the direction of my father.

"I hope you're not talking about me and your father young lady" My Mom said to me and I quickly denied the accusation although it was true.

I didn't want them feeling bad for hijacking my trip. It was the last they'd get to see of me in months anyway.

"Of course not Mom I was talking about the others" It was not all lie.

Of course they were included as well, and don't get me wrong, I do love my parents but I wanted to spend some quality time with Kristrin alone before we separated and said our goodbyes and this was not what I had in mind.

"We're not irrelevant just don't expect to be having fun without us having some fun as well" Steff took offense.

"Whatever" I sulked.

It wasn't as if I was not going to see them again.

"I'll make it up to you when we get to Jamaica, I'll make you a nice warm bubble bath with pack scented candles, roses and rose petals and then we'll have a romantic picnic by the beach and after that, we'll take it up a natch with passionate love all night" Kristrin whispered in my ear.

That means he would see me naked again and I'm not sure I'll be able to handle his passionate love making all night but then again I'd love to get the warm bubble bath and picnic. I smiled and I knew I was blushing like a damn mad lady.

"The picnic sounds great" I responded.

"What sounds great?" My father questioned as he was trying to eavesdrop on our conversation.

"Kristrin was just saying he'd buy me something sweet to make up for the fact that there trying to ruin my trip" I lied once again, which I really needed to stop but my dad was making that hard for me.

"Love could you please stop eavesdropping on the adults' conversation and mind your own damn business, do you realize that they've both reached the age of eighteen and am not saying they should be doing adult stuff but it's full time you gave them some privacy" My mom was right he needed to give us privacy.

"She's still my little girl you can't just expect me to be comfortable with Kristrin being around her just yet" They kept on complaining in the distance as they found a seat a couple of feet away from us and I knew mom wanted it that way so I and Kristrin could spend time without dad interfering.

I was seated next to Kristrin and the other guys were seated together on our right. It was now time for the plane to take off as we made our way to Jamaica for a week of relaxation.

"You ok baby?" Kristrin asked.

"Yeah am fine"

It was a shaky couple of hours on the flight but we finally landed and I was more than excited to be spending some quality time relaxing. Our chauffeur stood with a card and our last names written on it and as soon as I was in the car, it was night out for me as I fell asleep in an instant.

I stretched my arms and legs feeling the comfort of a soft sheet beneath me. Opening my eyes, I was met with a beautiful room that I could only say was my hotel room. I lingered for some time on the bed not wanting to remove myself from it. I wondered what everyone was doing.

After I got up off the bed I wandered around gazing at the beautiful room, I decided to take a bath but rejected it remembering what Kristrin whispered to me on the plane. I wanted to find everyone, so after throwing on a blouse and shorts I descended outside my room. The least Kristrin could've done was stayed until I woke up. I really wanted that warm bath that he promised.

I took out my phone dialing Kristrin's phone number but was unsuccessful in doing so. I then tried to call Mom and Dad with no luck what so ever, so I decided to call Steff and the others which went straight to voicemail. This was a bit strange and I needed to know what was happening.

"Hello Brandon, I was wondering if you've seen a bunch of weird people. They consist of five crazy boys and two sane adults" I asked the waiter who had a tag with his name on it and was passing by.

"Could you describe them a little better so that I can get a better description of who you're inquiring about?"

"The two adults are my parents, one is my boyfriend, one is my best friend and the others are the crazy ones" I described.

"That's a strange way of describing your friends and family as I was asking about their physical features but unfortunately no, they're currently having a Karaoke down by the beach so you might be able to spot almost everyone there," Brandon told.

"Ok thanks for letting me know" I laughed awkwardly after giving him a stupid description of my family.

"Would you like for me to point you in the direction?"

If it wasn't for the fact that I had an overprotective boyfriend and father on this trip I'd have been glad for the company. They did leave me all alone. It would be even more devastating to see them having fun while I'm here snoring the living hell out of my vacation.

"No that's fine I'm sure I'll be able to hear which direction the music is coming from" I replied to him with a reassuring smile.

"Are you sure, it wouldn't be a bother at all I'm actu-?" He asked again.

"No, I'm fine"

I then went off towards the direction of the elevator, pressing the button to take me down to the first floor but before the elevator door could close Brandon showed up at the elevator door.

"You didn't let me finish my statement earlier on, I was heading down to the beach" He responded.

"Sorry about that" I smiled embarrassingly at my behavior.

"That's ok, but I didn't get your name?"

"It's Annabella," I told.

"That's a very beautiful name" He smiled at me.

I was determined not to get on Kristrin's bad side ever again or soon and this conversation needed to end. This man was starting to admire me and he was not the cutest but then again nothing topped a furious kristrin. God knows I'd be dead if this elevator opened and Kristrin is standing right in front of us and Brandon's smiling down at me.

"So is this your first time visiting Jamaica?" Brandon questioned me further.

"Yes, it is" I replied keeping the conversation short while showing my discomfort.

And in time the elevator pinged open for me to head on down to the beach. In the distance, I could hear the music being played outside the hotel. While admiring the beautiful scenery, I kept walking in the direction of the music.

"So how's your vacation been going so far?" Brandon again appeared asking.

"Don't you have a job to do?" I questioned frustrated at his constant questions.

"I do apologize if I was bothering you, do enjoy your stay and if you need any assistance in the near future you know my name and where to find me," He said before walking away.

"Wait, I apologize for my behavior, it's just that I have a boyfriend and father who are completely overprotective of me and if they see me fraternizing with a guy in anyway, they tend to go extremely crazy hence one of the reasons why I called them crazy before" I laughed.

"Well looking at you, I do know why they tend to be a lot overprotective around you, I do also have a sister around the age of sixteen that I am the same around, very protective so am sure your love ones will be able to understand that I was just trying to help you locate where they are, after all I'm just the waiter" He stated.

"Let's hope so" I responded.

The next thing that caught my eye's had my mouth agape, oh my gosh this definitely could not be happening.


Here's another chapter for you guys!

I do hope you like it!

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See you next time!

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