Chapter Twenty Three

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Me: -sleeping on living room couch-

Jeff: -holding a spider above my chest-

Hoody: I wouldn't do.

Masky: I agree with Hoods, don't do it.

Silver: D-don't she will b-be mad.

Dark: Do it. I still owe her for that one day she had me go on what two or three dates?

Jeff: -puts the spider on me and backs away-

Dark: -grins before getting an air horn blowing it-

Me: -jumps up pissed off. Sees the spider and picks it up- George why are you not in your cage?

The five boys in the room: Dafuq? O-O

Me: -gets up and puts George back in his cage- Did you really think a spider would scare me? I love spiders. It's Swag you can't get spiders around.

Jeff: Damn.

-door burst open-

Roseta195: I'm here.

Jeff: Dafuq is she doing here?!

Me: Calm your tits Jeff. I can have who ever I want join!

Jeff: Bitch.

Me: Jackass.

Hoody: Why do you two even fight in every update?

Both of us: -shrugs-

Me: It's fun and we are not exactly friends.

Jeff: Yep that's pretty much it.

Me: Ok let's get started.

Everyone: -comes downstairs-

Roseta: I got some dares.

LJ: Who's the chick?

Me: This is Roseta. My BFF.

(Did anyone else think of the Hello Monsta video? Where in it Minx is like "Hello necro. H-hello necromorph. You wanna be my BFF? Of course!")

Roseta: Ok my first dare is for Masky. I dare Masky to pour holy water on Misty.

Misty: What?! No! That will burn like hell!!

Masky: Sorry sis.

Misty: Oh hell nah!! -runs but Jeff and Dark catches her-

Jeff: Pay back bitch.

Masky: -pours the holy water on Misty-

Misty: -screams in pain- FUCK!!!!!!! -runs outside screaming- Roseta, you fucking bitch!!!

Roseta: I dare Hellfire to bleach Ivy's wings.

Ivy: You say what now? O-O Oh hell no. Hellfire stay away from my wings. -runs but is caught by Jeff and Painter-

Hellfire: Sorry Ivy. -throws bleach on her wings-

Ivy: -screams- This fucking burns!!! -runs out the door following Misty-

Me: They are gonna be so pissed at you Roseta.

Roseta: -shrugs- I dare Brooky to frickle frackle with Slender.

Brooky: Don't have to tell us twice. -pulls Slender upstairs-

Roseta: I dare Siv to frickle frackle with Jeff and Liu.

Me: O-O Bitch say what now?!

Roseta: You heard me. Go.

The three of us: O//////////O I have to fuck them?!!!!!! -pointing at each other-

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