Chapter Seven

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Me: Let's get this started guys I'm wanting a nap and we still got fangirls.

CreppySwag: I dare Jeff to go out there along with Toby Masky Hoodie and BEN Shirtless . You can thank Masky for this one . Always Taking the Cheescake out of my house . pay back is a Beoch

The guys for the dare: Aw shit!

Hoody and Masky: -balling and screaming- We're gonna die!!

Jeff: The fangirls want all this sexiness. -smirks-

Toby: -twitch- Can I do something else? -twitch, twitch-

Me: Sorry Toby. You have to do it.

The guys: -takes shirts off but Ben-

Ben: Yea I'm not doing to dare.

Me: -rolls eyes- Ben if you do the dare I'll give you a kiss. -taunting voice-

Ben: o.o You better not be teasing me. -pulls shirt off-

Bloody Painter and Puppeteer: -pushes them out the door and slams it back locking it- Safe!

Spongebob narrator voice: One hour later.

Me: Ok we finally got rid of the fangirls. Now for the next comment.

Sammler: *sits on sofa* What is everyones favorite Halloween memory?

Me: Mine would have to be when I was younger and trick or treating fell on All Hallows' Eve. Best birthday ever. :D

Sally: Mine was my first year with the pastas. I forced Jeff and Ben to take me trick or treating. >:D

Ben: Jeff and I hung out and ended up getting Offender drunk one night and pranked him.

Clockwork: Well, one year while I was living here I snuck out on Halloween so I didn't have to take Sally out and I ended up getting buckets full of blood. Don't ask where though. Then when little children would pass by the tree I was sitting in I would dump the blood on them and their parents. Best night ever. -laughing-

Me: o.o That's who dumped the blood on my cousins! I've been trying to figure that out. .-.

Jill: I think I speak for both LJ and I on this. It wasn't long after we well, ya know went insane, we went in a killing spree together and it was bloody. -grins with her sharp teeth showing-

LJ: Best night ever. It was full of gore and screams. -grinning even wider than Jill-

(Others go and I'm to lazy to write them all cause I would be here about a month writing it.)

Me: And I got a comment. O.o

Sammler: *Collector crosses arms and smiles* A straight forward warning as ever

Me: Such wise words from the Collector. And the next dare... O.O Umm I think Silver and Red will like this one.

Sammler: XD I was going to save this dare till next week but what the hell. I dare a Creepypasta battle ... Pokemon style XD

Silver: :D Dibs on Savannah, Ben and Dark!

Me: If I have to be a damn Pokemon for this battle I better be Mew, Jigglypuff, Gastly, Ninetales, Gloom, or Flareon.

Silver: Fine you can be Mew.

Me: Yes!

Ben: I want to be Gastly.

Dark: I'll take Cubone.

Red: I'll take Sally, LJ, and Jeff.

Jeff: Dibs on Blastoise.

Sally: Can I be Jigglypuff? -innocent smile-

Red: Sure.

LJ: I got Charizard.

(Magical poof of smoke and the six of us are Pokemon.)

Me: -floating around-

(Outside the mansion)

Red: Let's see who to go with. -pulls out a pokeball- Jigglypuff, I chose you!

Sally: -standing there lightly singing-

Silver: Cubone I chose you.

Dark: -standing there with his club-

Red: Shit. -.-


Silver: Cubone finish Jigglypuff off. Bone rush!

Dark: -attacks Sally finishing her off-

Red: Noooooo! My Jigglypuff!

(To lazy to write the rest but I think we already know who won because anyone who knows Pokemon knows that Mew and Mewtwo are the strongest and Silver has Mew on his team.)

Me: That was, interesting.

Everyone else: Yep.

Me: Next dare time.

Sammler: I dare Zalgo to be Slender's servant, and Slender to be Sally's

Sally: Servant go get me candy and a throne to sit on.

Slender: Zalgo go get candy and Sally a throne.

Me: I guess that works out to be a win win lose.

Zalgo: -gives Slender candy plotting Sammler's death. Also got a throne for Sally-

Sally: -climbs up on the throne smiling- I'm the queen of the pastas! Give me my candy.

Slender: -gives her candy-

Sally: -eats the candy laughing with power madness-

Me: We are so screwed. Let's just move to the next dare before Sally starts.

Sammler: I dare the whole house to bumper boats. Ben I dare you to take a leaky sail boat ride.

Me: Slender you know what you have to do.

Slender: -teleports everyone to a lake-

Me: Dibs on the black and pink boat! -runs to the boat but gets pushed in the water by Jeff. Failing arms around and sinks under trying to hold breath-

Jeff: -laughing- Pay back bitch!!

Ivy: -slaps Jeff with tentacle- Asshole!! -jumps in water pulling me out and lying me on the ground-

Me: -cough- You -cough- jackass!! -still coughing up water-

Slender: Calm down child.

Me: He tried to fucking drown me!! -throws a rock hitting him in the head-

Jeff: -hits the ground- Dafuq!! -holding head-

Me: Fucker. -stands up and continues with the dare. Hits Jeff's boat repeatedly throwing him out- Haha fucker!

Ben: -panicking while his boat slowly sinks-

Me: I'm done with this. Take us home Slender!

Slender: -teleports everyone back-

Me: Ok last thing for today is from a new commenter.

Mrscreepypasta: Can Jeff teach me how to kill give me an online visit or you can really visit me :3

Me: You can have him! I only need him if he gets a dare! -shoves Jeff to Slender- Send his ass to Mrscreepypasta!!

Slender: -teleports Jeff there-

Me: Fuck yea!! He's gone!! Anyways that's it for today and I'm out creepers! Peace out bitches! -peace signs before walking out-

Sally: -sitting on her throne- Bye guys! -waving-

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