Chapter Thirty Eight

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Me: Let's just start. I'm kinda tired. -brings up a monitor to show the others in the Corpse Party Universe-

Wolf: 1. *Magic unicorn farting rainbow appears* Unicorn, give Masky, Hoodie, and Toby fox ears and tails. *magic poof of sparkles* Okay. You are going to be like that for awhile, you're just all so adorable! Kawaiiii! *tackles them and squishes them with hugs before getting up and slightly fangirling*

2. Welll, uhhh...*stabs Ben and Jeff with Jimmy and Maddie (my knives)* Now Benny, I dare you to let Shady over there, do whatever she wants to ya. *pushes NightShade to him and hands a chainsaw* Have fun kiddies!~ Don't kill eachother. Wait, on second thought...Do what ever you want!~ 😀

3. *hugging Jimmy and Maddie* NOW WE ALL SING AND DANCE AND GET DRUNK AND LOOK LIKE IDIOTS! *blast Vampire Money by McEnroe and Party Poison and Planetary GO! and NaNaNa and Party By Myself by Hollywood Unread, but blast Vampire Money loudest* I DARE EVERYONE TO TRY AND SING THIS SONG WITHOUT LOOKING UP LYRICS! *starts singing and looking like an idiot while giving an attempt to dance* 3-2-1 WE CAME TO FÜCK!

Ben: Babe! Come on you're not going to hurt me are you!?

Me: It's a dare. .-. You'd do it to me for revenge!

Ben: .-.

Me: -starts slashing chainsaw at Ben while laughing like a maniac-

Hoody: -playing with his fox tail-

Masky: -eating cheesecake while hiding-

Toby: -plays with his fox ears-

Anime: -attacks Masky, Hoody, and Toby in hugs fangirling about the ears/tails-

(Party starts in two universes but mostly at the mansion considering everyone is in the Corpse Party Universe. When everyone is drunk off their asses they pass out time skip to when everyone is awake)

Philanecron: I dare that I am released from the Corpse Party universe I also dare that I get to skin Jeff alive.

Jeff: BABE?!!!

Philanecron: -skins Jeff alive first-

Me: Ya done?

Philanecron: Yep.

Me: -poofs Philanecron back. Speaks in a host club voice- Welcome~

Lover: -looks at E.J and whispers- E.J...I forgive you...I dare Jeff to be locked in his room with the thing he's scared of for 3 updates...

EJ: -hugs Lover- Thanks babe. I missed you.

Misty and Ivy: -pushes Jeff in a room and locks the door-

Roseta: Why'd you push him in there?

Misty and Ivy: We improvised. The dare, -looks at each other- Why are we speaking together?

Misty: The dare said his room but we're not home.

Ivy: I got the thing his scared of covered. -uses her powers to fuck with his mind to where he's seeing fire in the whole room-

Gianna: My turn!

Swag: Go for it.

Gianna: I dare offenderman to hypnotize me and ask me to choose a rose. I chose the red rose and liu gets jealous. and they have an ultimate show down. Also take me out of corpse party universe I keep dying

Offender: Finally, someone I can fuck!!

Everyone: -.-

Offender: -hypnotizes Gianna and then offers her the roses-

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