IV. Preference (first date)

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Stefan- You guys have a picnic in the forest and eat all your favorite foods. After that you take a walk through the woods until the sun starts to set and you guys watch it from a cliff in the woods. To top it all off you spend most of the night star gazing.

Damon- For Damon and yours first date you spent the day walking around town going to the different shops having an amazing lunch together. Then going for a walk around the Salvatore property.

Klaus- Klaus wanted to do something simple and romantic for your first date. So he compelled the owner to let you guys have the whole night to themselves at Rousseau's. You had eaten the most amazing dinner, when you had finished Klaus asked you if you wanted to dance. So you spent the next hour just slow dancing in each others arms.

Elijah- You and Elijah never really got a first date because your sister had ran away and forced you to come along. So when you did have your first date it was at the most expensive restaurant in New Orleans. You spent the night eating over the best food New Orleans could offer while taking about your adventures over the past centuries. All while classical music plays in the background.

Kol- You and Kol were both very childish. So for your first date you went to an amusement park. The both of you spent the night running to go play different games while fighting over who gets the unicorn stuff animal. To end the night the night you went on the ferries wheel and watched the sunset while holding hands.



I don't really have anything to say.

Thank you for reading!

Have a good day!!!


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