VIII. (Caroline)

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Imagine finding Caroline tied up after being kidnapped by an enemy, and you have to save her

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Imagine finding Caroline tied up after being kidnapped by an enemy, and you have to save her

When the Salvatore brothers had called you saying that Caroline had been kidnapped you had immediately sprung up from your bed where you had been watching Netflix.

You and Caroline had been dating for around two years. You had met at the Mikaelson ball, being a Mikaelson yourself freshly awaken from being dagger for e few centuries.

Of course you had known all about how Klaus was infatuated with this teenaged vampire. You had laughed when he first told you. I mean the big bad hybrid who thought love was stupid all of a sudden had a crush.

But the moment you saw Caroline you knew exactly why Klaus had a crush on her.

I mean she was perfect.

When you had saw that Klaus was distracted by Kol trying to pull some sort of prank you had immediately made your way over to the blonde vampire.

You quickly introduced yourself and walked her away from the crowed towards a room that was empty besides a large piano.

As the two of you continued to talk, you quickly fell for her even more.

You quickly entered the Salvatore house coming face to face with the Mystic Falls friends group. You never really got along with any of them other than the Salvatore's and of course Caroline.

"Seriously you brought her?"

"Oh shut up Elena."

Stefan, being the only reasonable one in the group, spoke up stopping the fighting from getting worse. "Elena we need her to find Caroline, she's an original so if things go south well, she can't die so."


"Plus! She's Caroline's girlfriend."

Elena seems to quiet at those words and decides to take a seat on the century old couch that resides in the Salvatore's house.

"Anyways." Damon's voice breaks the awkward silence.


Soon Bonnie, Stefan, Damon, Elena, and yourself arrived at an abandoned house which you had figured Caroline was held in.

"We should split up, cover up more ground."

Elena was quick to turn down that idea. "What? No what if one of us gets attacked?"

"Elena your the only one was has to worry about being attacked. Why did you even come?" You questioned the girl.

"Because Caroline's my friend and I've known her the longest here."

"Okay you know what? I'm just going to go inside and find Caroline."

"Okay Y/N, let's not do this right now." Stefan tried to diffuse the tension. Sadly he failed and you had already turned around and left.

The porch to the house made creaking noises as you walked up the wooden steps. As you moved closer to worn out wooden door you heard muffled coming from deep inside the house.

Without a second thought you quickly opened the door and rushed inside to where the sounds were coming from.

When you entered the creaky door and entered the dusty room in the center stood Caroline. Whoever took her had tied her hands together and had them attacked to a hook on the ceiling preventing her from escaping.

Caroline visibly flinched when you opened the door thinking it was whoever had taken her. The moment she saw it was you though she visibly relaxed.

"Well look how the tables have turned." A smirk covered your face.

Caroline had tried to laugh but the piece of cloth covering her mouth had stopped her. That's when you noticed the cloth and the rope were covered in vervain.

Quickly you moved towards her and carefully took off the cloth, wincing every time she left out a noise of pain.

The moment the cloth was off Caroline had a big smile on her face. Your smile grew seeing she was now safe and sound.



Crazy. I legit forgot Wattpad was even an app for a good year. I don't really know if I'm like back or not I'm just bored and I feel like ima throw up so I figured j should distract myself. Also the like first half of this was written in mid 2022 so it'll be pretty bad.

Anyways night.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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