III. Preference (how you met)

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Stefan- It was in the 1920s when your brother and sister ended up in Chicago having had to run from your father Mikael. One night while you were walking back to your siblings you ran into someone. When you looked up your were met striking green eyes that would make any woman fall in love.

"I am so sorry I was not looking where I was going." You apologized your British accent obvious, which made him look at you.

"It's alright it happens." He said still staring at you.

"Well I best be going, sorry again." You said noticing your brother and sister looking at you as to say hurry up. As you were walking away the man asked you a question that made you turn around. "Wait! What's your name?"



Damon- It was 1862 when you and your family moved to Mystic Falls. A couple days after moving your family got an invitation to have dinner with the Salvatore family. Your parents happily said yes wanting to get to know people in the town.

As you and your family made your way up the steps to the Salvatore Mansion you saw three men who you thought were the Salvatore men, knowing that the mother had sadly passed.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Y/L/N" Mr.Salvatore said to her parents.

"Hello Mr.Salvatore, thank you so much for having us for dinner." Her father told the oldest Salvatore.

As you looked at all of the men one caught your eye. He had striking blue eyes and dark black hair.

You noticed that the adults had started going inside when the blue eyed man walked up to you and held out his hand, "Damon Salvatore." He introduced himself.

You put your hand in his and he kissed the back of it,"Y/N Y/L/N." You said and smiled.


Klaus- You were Kai Parker's little sister and you both had just escaped the prison world you were banned to since your were both considered 'abominations'. You both decided to go separate ways since they had just spent the last 18 years stuck together. You somehow ended up in New Orleans.

You were mesmerized by all the street lights on as you walked down the street around midnight when someone grabbed you and speed you into an alley. They bit your neck but before they could kill you, you started to siphon them. They groaned in pain and fell on the floor.

The feeling that you got when you siphoned was amazing, it felt as if you were coming back to life even though you weren't dead. It had been almost two decades since you you siphoned something and you were so happy to be able to again. You didn't want to stop but when you noticed the vampires skin turning gray you let go.

Never in your life had you felt so much power. You were so glad you could embrace your true self and not get abused mentally and physically. All you had wanted was to be loved by your family but once they found out about your true self they never spoke to you unless they absolutely needed to.

"That was amazing." You breathed out feeling the power running through your gains.

"What the bloody hell are you?" The man that attacked you asked still out of breathed from you draining the supernatural part of him.

When you finally looked at the man that attacked you, you noticed how handsome he really was. Dirty blond hair and blue eyes. The thing that stuck out most to you was his accent. You hadn't heard another voice other than Kai's in the past 18 years, or in your whole life since your family would never speak to you.

"Wouldn't you like to know." You said as you rolled your eyes not wanting someone else to hate you even though all the witches already hated you. "Anyway even though you so rudely attacked me, and I almost killed you my names Y/N"

The man looked at her confused but said his name anyway, though it came out more of a question,"Klaus?"


Elijah- It was the year 1492 and you and your sister, Katerina, had to move from their home town. Katerina's reason because she had a child out of wedlock. Your reason being your father found out your mother had been unfaithful and you weren't his daughter.

You and your sister were at a party in England when your sisters friend, Trevor, came up to them with a handsome looking man.

"Lord Elijah may I introduce Katerina and Y/N Petrova." Trevor said.

Elijah looked at Katerina in shock she looked identical to his old lover, Tatia, and immediately caught his eye. But you, when he looked at you he was mesmerized. Never in his life has he seen someone with such beauty. He would dare even say you were my beautiful than Katerina.

"Pleasure my lord." Katerina said holding out her hand to him, instantly attracted to Elijah.

"Pleasure is mine" He said kissing the back of her hand looking up at her. Elijah turned to you and held out his hand, you placed your hand in his, and he did the same to you he did to Katerina, "Pleasure to meet you as well."

You smiled in return.


Kol- You lived in present day Mystic Falls, and all your friends thought you knew nothing of the supernatural. Which in fact was a lie. You were a witch and the only person who knew of your true self was Bonnie. She promised to keep it a secret because you didn't want to have to deal with all the supernatural drama.

Today Caroline invited you to go to the Mystic Grill. Her reason being that she had to distract Klaus but didn't want to do it alone. But you of course didn't know that.

As you walked into the bar with Caroline someone calls her over so she immediately garbed your hand and pulled you along with her. Of course you knew the originals were in town, Bonnie would always catch you up on whats going on, you just didn't get involved with it.

"Now who have you brought along?" Asked the man who called Caroline over, who you suspected to be the hybrid.

Kol turned to you and was intrigue right then and there. "Kol Mikaleson" He introduced before Caroline could answer, with his usual smirk on his face. You turned to him not amused, "Okay." Then turned to Caroline and said to Caroline, "I just remembered I have to help Bonnie with something." You left before she could even say anything.

"Who is she?" Kol asked Caroline wondering who would speak to him like that.

"That's Y/N," she paused "And don't even think about it, she doesn't know." She said referring to the supernatural.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The youngest Mikaelson brother replied pretending not to know what shes talking about.



Thanks for reading!

Have a good day!!!


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