VI. (Freya)

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Imagine Freya remembering you, her past love, from hundreds of years ago

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Imagine Freya remembering you, her past love, from hundreds of years ago. Wondering if you lived a happy life.


Freya sat on one of the many couches at the Compound, finally having time to herself. Her mind began to wander to the few years she lived thinking of the people she had met.

One being you.

Her darling Y/N.

She remembers the first time she saw you. You had been shopping in the town and accidentally bump into Freya, immediately apologizing.

Freya had just smiled at you, mesmerized by your looks.

Once you had finished apologizing Freya had introduced herself to you and shook your hand, making blush appear on your cheeks.

The two of you had become the best of friends spending every day with one another. Freya remembers your first kiss. The two of you had been laying in a garden of flowers watching the sky when Freya had turned to you and smiled.

You of course smiled back, an even bigger smile appeared when Freya rested her hand on your cheek. Your eyes slowly closed feeling her skin on yours.

Only opening your eyes when you heard Freya's soft voice.

"I think I'm in love with you."

Your eyes met hers, saying the words she desperately wanted to hear.

"I think I'm in love with you too."

The two of leaned in and your lips met as if they were made for each other.

Freya frowned at the memory, she only knew for a year before Dahlia had ruined everything. She wondered if you ever moved on, met someone who loved as much as she did, maybe you even had a family. A family Freya wished she could be a part of.



So I decided to move my gif series to this book because I realized they were turning into imagines.

So this will be updated more often as I move them over and add to them.

-Anna <3

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