I. Imagine (Klaus)

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Imagine- You and Klaus wake up in each others arms

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Imagine- You and Klaus wake up in each others arms.

Words Count- 485


Through a window, golden streaks shine through landing on two bodies laying together in a bed. A man and a women. The women laying on her back, head rested comfortably on a bunch of pillows. On top of her lay the man, head on the women's chest. Arms wrapped securely around her waist. Sheets covering them both.

Klaus begins to stir awake from his peaceful sleep. When he awakes he looks up to see you still asleep. After admiring your beauty her begins to draw shapes on your arm that was originally in his hair but was later moved.

Him tracing shapes on your arm is what you woke. Letting out a small yawn you look down to see Klaus laying on your chest, looking as if he was zoned out. You brought the arm that Klaus didn't have up to his semi curly dirty blonde hair, and began to massage his scalp. The movement from you seemed to make him snaps out of his trance.

"What are you thinking about?" Your voice a little hoarse since you had just woken up. You smiled at him one that he returned. "Thinking about how lucky I am to have a girl like you." He responded his eyes full of love.

A small blush made its way onto your cheeks. Even after dating for so many years he could still always make you blush just by doing the smallest gestures.

You both continued to look at each other taking in each other's presence as if it would be the last time. Breaking the staring and silence you brought his lips to yours. Your lips felt so soft against his. You lips moving in sync together like they were made for each other, which it seemed like they were.

Breaking the kiss he smiled brightly at you, a smiled that only you saw. Kissing your lips one more time he put his head back onto your chest where he could listen to your heartbeat. Something he did quite regularly. It calmed him down when he was angry and helped him fall asleep when he couldn't.

"Why don't we just stay here all day. Forget all about our problems." Klaus mumble against your chest, not wanting to move from his spot.

"I'm perfectly fine with that." You agreed, moving your hand back up to his hair.

And so you did. You spent the entire just laying in each others arms forgetting all about your enemies that need to be fought or cities that needed to be ruled.



This is kind of a mess, as I did this a while ago but anywho.

Don't forget you guys can comment ones you want to see and I'll try my best to do them.

By the way thank you so much for 1k on this story!


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