IV. Imagine pt.1 (Stefan)

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Imagine Damon using you to get Stefan's humanity back

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Imagine Damon using you to get Stefan's humanity back.


"Damon, are you sure this is going to work?" You asked the raven hair as you both stood in the woods waiting to walk over to Stefan, who had his humanity off.

"Nope." He said simply, but continued when your eyes widened, "But it's worth giving it a shot right?"

"Not if I actually die!" You yells, causing him to shush you seeing as though Stefan wasn't that far away and was a vampire.

"Hey, look I'll give you some of my blood okay?" He reasoned biting his wrist and holding it out for you.

Becoming a vampire wasn't the worst thing that could happen, but you had at least wanted to get through high school without becoming a vampire. But that seemed to be hard when you lived in Mystic Falls.

You hesitated but soon enough you brought his wrist to your mouth and swallowed enough blood that if you did die you would wake as a vampire.

"Ugh, that tasted horrible."

He gave you an offended look. "You won't be saying that later if I kill you."

"If you kill me. Which you probably will because well you're Damon."


Stefan had just fed on a group of campers when you both decided to walk over to him. Damon had his hand wrapped around your throat.

It wasn't hard to fake the fear in you eyes since it was real.

"Oh, well hello Damon, Y/N." Stefan greeted, clearly unbothered by his brother holding his best friend by the neck.

"Okay, getting straight to the point but basically if you don't turn your humanity back on I'll kill Y/N."

Stefan looked clearly unbothered. "Kill her." Your eyes widened, I mean you would of though the dude would hesitate a bit. Nope.

Damon seemed unfazed by Stefan words, and did just as he said.

In one motioned your neck had been snapped and all you saw was darkness.


When your body fell limp in Damon's arms, Stefan unconsciously took a step forward a part of what was left of his humanity taking over. Damon noticed and realized their plan was working.

"Well, looks like she won't be able to have a normal life now." Damon teased with a shrug, knowing that all Stefan wanted for you was to live more of your life as a vampire.

Stefan's knuckles turned white from clenching them. He was trying to fight his humanity coming back, he knew if turned it back on he would feel the guilt of your 'death'.

"Stefan come on, just turn it back on. That's what this whole plan was trying to do. Y/N wanted the old Stefan back, not the famous Ripper."

Hearing his brothers words, Stefan felt a wave of emotions flood through his body. It was too much to handle at once.

Stefan didn't realize he was crying until two arms wrapped around him pulling him into a hug.

Stefan cried into Damon's hug as he realized all that he had done.



Okay I feel proud of this

Part two will be up later! :)


𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 | TVDU imagines + PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now