VII. (Lizzie)

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Lizzie walked into your dorm to see you sitting at your table applying makeup. When you heard the door open you turn to her and smiled, the two of you had been secretly dating for 8 months.

And while Lizzie wanted everyone to know the two of you were dating, you however wanted to keep a secret.

It wasn't that you were embarrassed it was just the first time you had been with a girl and you wanted to keep it low key.

But today you had news for Lizzie.

She walked up to you pecking yourself lips before standing behind you, hands on your shoulder watching as you applied mascara.

When you finished you turned to her putting your hands on her forearms.

"So I was thinking, I'm ready to tell everyone we are dating."

A smile install found it's way onto Lizzie face. "Really?"

"Yes, I want everyone one to know you are mine and I am yours."

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